3.) Bye.

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   I grabbed my clothing, not that I had much. I stuffed them into a small pack back. I throw in my cash. My parents had been the Betas of the pack,  meaning they had made a lot of money.

   They left Alex and me $500,00 each. Alex spent most of it on beer and junk. Wasting it all up in the first year or two.  When I got mine, I had put almost all of it in trust funds. Only keeping a very small amount on me  I now have over double that.

   I could feel nothing but sadness as I started to pack my few things. My wolf was still whimpering. My head snapped up. That reminded me of what was to come. I would shift into my wolf. But it was going to be the most painful thing that has ever happened to me.

  You see when a female finds her mate and they accept each other, then her shift is almost painless. As long as their mates are there. Some who don't find their mates until they're older shift almost painless when they reach the age of 18. In rare cases when a mate rejects the other, the female will have a very painful first shift. This happens because their inner wolf is in pain of the rejection that it fights the transformation.

   I stopped short. What was I going to do? It felt like my heart has broken in two pieces. I'm in so much pain, how will I ever  make it? I wont have anyone to help me through it. I will truly be all alone.    Just calm down. I'll deal with it when it comes.  I thought to myself. 

   Taking a deep breath I looked around to see if I was missing anything.  I had packed all my stuff, which fit in a small backpack. All that I owned fit in this little backpack that was in my hand, everything. The only thing that I truly loved that I was taking with me, was a photo of my brother and me. It was taken a day before my parents were killed.I thought about writing a long letter to my brother but thought better of it. What would I say? Instead I thought a small note would be best. 


I am leaving and NEVER coming back. You were suppose to be my family, my pack. But you weren't.  You were suppose to love me. But you didn't. You hurt me. My mate rejecting me was the last straw. You wont find me, I'm already long gone by the time you read this.  And Alex you were my only family , I love you. Even if you didn't love me.

Bye forever

Love Chloe

P.S. I hope you're happy that I'm officially broken.

   I looked down at the note, a small tear feel from my face and onto the paper. I left the note on my bed. Knowing that they would come up here when I didn't come down to make their dinner. 

   As silent as I could I walked down the stairs, with my backpack over one shoulder. Slipping out the backdoor as fast and quietly as possible I run to the woods. I didn't stop and turn around, I know that if I stopped, even for a moment that i would run back. So instead I just ran, and ran and ran. I past our boundaries and felt the connection cut of. I didn't care. They haven't had a tie with me in so long, they wouldn't feel me leaving the pack. 

   I got about 5 hours of non-stop running from my pack, when I felt a pain in my back and stopped. I looked around me for a spot to sit when I  fell to the ground. That's when I knew what was happening,  I was going to start the unbearable shifting  


Don't hate me, for stopping there. Please feel free to tell me what you think. 



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