4.) Unbearable Shifting

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   I was on my knees, when I heard my bones cracking and replacing. I did not scream out in pain. For the last 5 years living in that awful pack I have learned not to scream out in pain. There was no point. I whimpered. Dragging myself over to a tree, I lay down and took some calm , deep breaths. Another wave of pain shot up from my legs and started to travel up my body.

 It felt like someone was burning a hot branding poker up my back. I have felt that before, but that somehow felt like a bee sting compared to this.  My head started to hurt. I felt my bones breaking and mending in a different way. I let out a small hiss of pain. I started to see black spots, I was about to pass out. I had somehow managed to drag myself under a bush, to hide from unwanted eyes.

    Taking a deep breath, I welcomed unconscious.



   I woke up about an hour later. I started to stand up when I realized, that this was really awkward. I had 4 feet instead of 2. OH! I remember now. I stood on unsteady feet- or should I say paws?

   It felt natural to walk in wolf form. Something that was bred into my nature. 

   Well no duh! You are part wolf. Said a female voice in my head

   “So you're my wolf?” I asked

  Yeah. The one and only!  She said in a somewhat sarcastic voice.

  “ What's your name?” I asked puzzled as to what to call my wolf. I didn't think that calling her wolf all the time was something that I wanted to do.

   “ I would like it, if you would name me. she answered

    "I would be honored, but I don't know what we look like." I respond. I was really touched that she liked me enough to ask me to name her. Some werewolves don't get to name their inner wolves, it is considered a honor. 

    I smell a river near here, go look. I could show you but I do want to you to see a reflection. I decided that I liked her voice. It was rich and homey. But also strong and beautiful. Everything I wasn’t.

   Now don't say that! We ARE strong. You are what I am. We are the same. We mirror each other. In time you will see that. She said, with a sigh at the end. She sounded so tired at that moment that I decided it was best to agree with her. 

   It only took me a short time to find the river she had talked about. It was a clear blue that reflected the colour of the sky. I looked in the water and saw the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. A pure as snow white wolf lay before me. She was bigger then the average she-wolf, slender and had a pair of shocking blue eyes. I was a rare and beautiful wolf. 

   "OH MY GOSH!! WE’RE A WHITE WOLF?!" I literally screamed in my mind to her.

   Careful now, I have sensitive ears. She purred with a slight wag of her tail. I could see her in my mind, with a wolfy smirk at my reaction.

   "Sorry." I murmured. Bowing my head down a bit. 

   Have you thought of a name for me? I could picture her jumping up and down for my response. Wanting to know the perfect name.

   I though for a moment  "Yes."  I answered, trying to annoy her, and it worked. I was really just trying to get both our minds off of the rejection, we could deal with that late. But for right now we could use some fun. 

   TELL ME! I need to knowwwwww. She dragged out the w. Wagging her tail like crazy. I just laugh at her. I could tell we would be fast friends. 


        "Angelina" I whispered to her. 


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