Chapter 2: Meet Jackson Miller

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" Oh, um hey i'm-". I got cut off.

"I know who you are,". He said running his hand through his hair and my eyes apparently had nothing better to do than stare at his body. " You're a rich little good girl who ran away from mommy and daddy because she wanted to have a little adventure in her life".

"Wrong". I forced myself to meet his Hazel eyes and he smirked.


" In fact,". He walked over to me so quickly I gasped unexpectedly, then slowly bent over to whisper in my ear. "I bet you're still a virgin".

"Wrong". I shivered at the closeness of his lips to my skin then took a step back.


"Actually,". He grinned pulling me to him, so close our lips were only centimeters apart. " I bet you haven't even had your first kiss yet".

" Wrong". I blushed my face turning scarlet.


He slipped past me into his room and before he closed the door he said. " I know how those story goes, I hope you don't fall for me".

"In your wildest dreams!". I snapped and the door slammed shut.


I can't believe it, he so freaking frustrating . Sighing I took a couple deep breaths and forced myself to calm down. Special circumstance my butt, How is that even possible anyway?. After making a mental note to ask the crazy lady in the main office about my situation, I decided to look at the only unoccupied room left in the dorm, my room.

It was definitely bigger than I thought, then again my mom paid for it so I guess i'm not really surprised. Although the walls were plain white there was plenty of space for my posters and art work. My bed was queen size and it didn't have any sheets on it.

crap, I have to ask him.

Deciding to do that later I continued to look around. There was one big sliding window in the middle of the room that was draped with a thin white curtain which was blowing out because of the gentle breeze. Jerk face must've opened it to let it air out a bit before I got here. The floor was carpeted light brown and it felt soft against my now bare feet. A basic night stand stood right next to my bed and on it was a simple mahogany lamp to match it.

Simple. That's how my room was, just how I like it.

I can't stall any longer. I need to make my bed before I can get my stuff and start unpacking, and I also need a tour of the place, like I said, it's bigger than I thought. Quietly I made my way to the room I saw my special circumstance walk into but before I could knock I heard arguing outside and stopped. My curiosity got the best of me.

"What do you mean I 'have to befriend her'?!,". He yelled at the person he was talking to and after a moment of silence apologized. " I'm sorry, Sir".

Sir? I wondered. Does he have a job? maybe he's late for work or that wouldn't make sense. I pressed my ears against the door to listen before coming to terms that he was on the phone.

" I'll admit,". He stated after listening intently for a while. " She's pretty hot, but my job is to protect her, not be friends with her".

"Fine, fine...yeah I get it no sexual intercousre-".

A gasp escaped my mouth, and I ran, no sprinted to my room and locked the door because I know he heard me. Although I could barely hear the person on the phone, the voice sounded vaguely familiar. If I didn't know any better i'd say it was-

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