Chapter 33: "Down for the challenge"

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A/N: Guys I have a trailer! yaay I think it portrays this book (and upcoming scenes in this book) very well. This is dedicated to @iliveintheclouds because I know this wasn't easy to make.

Let me know what you think of it!


Chapter 33: "Down for the challenge"

I told Jackson everything.

I went into detail about Vito's most recent visit and discussed everything with him from the "I'll tell you who you shouldn't trust" fiasco to him making snide remarks almost as if he knows Jackson on a personal level along with everyone else in his

"Well...?" I trailed off when I was done, hoping to get some kind of response.

He sat upright looking blankly at the TV, deep in thought. I notice that his jaw was getting a little stubbly and yearned to run my fingers against those- " Well...why didn't you tell me all this before?"

I cleared my throat -and my thoughts- before answering. " I never got the opportunity since you and Aiden decided to show up in the mood for booze and immature games. I crossed my arms.

" immature?" He still didn't look at me.

" Are you mad or something?" I asked.

No reply.

"Hello," I waved my hands in front of his face. " Earth to Jackson..."

" I just -" He slammed his hand on the table, making me shriek. " You're so disobedient Ashley!...I'm trying to help you but you never listen to me"

" Why do I need help?!" I throw my arms back, not wanting to argue with him. Not tonight.

His head snapped in my direction for a split second then he turned back shaking his head. He chuckled humorlessly. " I can't even look at you without getting mad all over again..."

" I'm sorry..." I looked down. I don't think I've ever apologized to him for not listening but believe it or not this -yelling- is his gentle way of telling me if I listened to him more often, none of this would've happened in the first place.

" Your dad?" He asked, trying to say as little as possible so Aiden -who was typing something hastily into Jackson's laptop- although he was wearing headphones, couldn't understand what he meant.

"No. My dad's dead to me," I bit my bottom lip and Aiden looked up. The air thinned. " My mom has always been the controlling type...I just wanted to break away from that"

" I'm not controlling" He stated childishly.

" Ok Mr 'always follow my rules blah blah blah' " I mocked but he still didn't look at me.

" Funny" His lips curled up to form the smallest of smiles.

The room was quiet for a While, the only sound being the ticking of the clock on the wall and the ragged breathing of the man tied up on a wooden chair, his head bobbed unconsciously next to Aiden with every breath he took. I studied his ragged demeanor and frowned.

" Jackson I have to help him" I finally mumble pointedly.

" No you don't" He blankly stated.

" I'm going to help him" I pushed and got up off the couch.

"Ow!" His hand connected with my thigh hard enough for it to sting and at the same time make me feel tingly in places. I sat down.

" He's going to die" I looked at the man helplessly again. The reason he's unconscious right now is because a huge chunk of glass is still in his left leg, and there's a pile of newspapers laid out under his feet to catch the dripping blood.

" So?, let him," He ran his hands through is thick hair. " You don't know what he was gonna do to you"

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a white sheet of paper with neat cursive handwriting. As I read through it realization of what exactly I need protection from finally hit me. " It's him isn't it? this Vito guy wants me captured...but why?"

Jackson snacthed the paper from my hand but didn't say anything. I tried to not gawk at his butt as he made a beeline for his room. Standing up I refused to be ignored. I marched over and slipped in his room right before he closed the door.

" What the...?" He trailed off astonished by my sudden boldness.

His room had a cold, dark feeling. There were bottles of sleeping pills scattered across the floor, indicating he has trouble sleeping. Nightmares? who would've thought. There were a few shirts scattered around on the floor as if he's constantly on the rush but other than that his room was pretty decent. Not a mess like mine at least.

" Get out" He tried to move past me to open the door but I blocked his path.

" I'm not in the mood cupcake" He growled.

" Well I am" I retorted shocked by my sudden dosage of confidence.

" You know It'll only take a few seconds for me to have you on you butt right?" I was very aware of his firm chest lingering over mine as he finally met my eyes.

" You know you're a pretty cocky guy right?" I shot back.

He laughed throwing his head back. " What do you want?"

" The truth," I poked his chest hard almost breaking my puny little finger in return. He smirked. " Why is this guy after me"

He sighed and looked away. " I can't say"

" But I'm supposed to dish out the daily details of my everyday adventures to you, do you see where i'm coming from?" I grumbled.

" You think almost getting kidnapped is an adventure?" He laughed.

" Screw you" I pout.

" Anytime baby" He grinned.

I blushed. " At least you're not mad at me anymore"

" Oh I am," He hastily corrected me then leaned in to whisper in my ear. " If you ever disobey me again...let's just say I have a few punishments in mind for my favorite little virgin"

He nibbled on my earlobe and a small whimper escaped my lips.

I think i'm down for the challenge.


A/N: Whoo! is it just me or did it just get heated?

lol talk about 0 to 100

What do you guys think should she accept the challenge?

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