Chapter 62: Let the games begin

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Chapter 62: Let the games begin

            What a rich neighbourhood, I thought while sitting on a random park bench. I tried to get as far away from the mansion as I could —sadly only about 20 ft— but I got tired. I remember when I just started college I used to get up early and jog every day but now...

     "You look like crap" A voice said behind me.

        I jumped, turning around. 

          " Andrew?" I gasped.

      " Hey baby, long time no see" He smirked.

      " The last time I saw you, you were forcing yourself on—"

      " I just kissed you, that's all," He waved his hand dismissively. " Don't act like you didn't want me too"

           " Why are you here?" I snapped, cutting to the chase.

              He sat next to me on the bench and gently touched my face. " Did he make you cry?"

Andrew has always been very gentle with me for as long as I can remember —maybe too gentle even. Back in highschool he barely wanted to touch me —which I now know is because he was being watched by my dad or something like that. All the good memories that I had with him seem so far and distant now because I know he was just pretending, I know it was all fake. I wonder if Jackson really likes me or if that's fake too?

           " Everyone makes me cry these days" I sighed. The october wind was picking up and I could tell in a few weeks it might actually start snowing.

  " I'm sorry" He rubbed my shoulder and I pushed him away feeling like I was cheating on Jackson.

   " Why are you here?" I asked again, starting to feel uncomfortable. He was still handsome but I now know so much about him that—

   " I came to give you this" He handed me a folded piece of paper. In neat cursive writing it said,

che i giochi abbiano inizio

"Andrew what..." I started to say but he was already gone, leaving me shaking in the wind.


When I walked inside the mansion a group of men dressed in all black attire turned and stared at me in shock. Amongst them was my dad. He looked relieved when he saw me.

"Oh mio dio! Where have you been? I sent my men to look for you but—"

     " How come you never taught me italian?" I blurted.

        He looked at me with sad eyes. " I never had the time to be a real dad tesoro, i'm sorry"

         " Right" I made my way towards the stairs. 

           " Or last name isn't italian because your great-great-great-grandfather was British his wife moved to italy to write a book about their lifestyle and they had my grandfather" He said in a somber tone. " I would show you pictures but they all caught on fire when my parents house burned down"

   " I always wondered how they died" I said pausing on the steps.

       His lips formed a smile that didn't reach his eyes. " I'm afraid that's a tale too sad for me to tell," When he saw the expression on my face he quickly added. " They would've loved you, me not so much, paps was always hard on me and...I wasn't there when he needed me the most"

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