Chapter 43: Temptation

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        Chapter 43: Temptation




    I stared at the clock silently while playing with my fingers. Jackson led me to his office because it was soundproof which puzzles me because why exactly do we need to be in a soundproof room. Does he think i'm going to scream or something?

   Not in the way you think... My subconscious teased.

    A small blush creeps onto my face.

     I crossed my legs as a small shiver ran through my spine. Halloween is coming up and the weather is getting colder so to distract myself from thinking about Jackson —who locked me in his office because of an 'emergency' by the way— I start thinking about what my costume should be, all the homework assignments I have to do once I get home for next week and getting a job. Basically anything but Jackson Miller.

     I tried occupying myself with the Kardashian game on my phone and I even put my earphones in and played music but not even that could calm my nerves. Right before Jackson left he informed me that I should make myself comfortable because we are going to have a long conversation. 

    My expression might've been bland when he told me —because i'm not too pleased with him at the moment— but my current emotions are wavering somewhere between how you feel when a parent tries to talk to you about sex and when you get sent to the principal's office in school. Combine those two situations and you have how I am feeling this exact moment.

    Sighing I got up and fumbled with the lock on the door once again hoping to open it by some impossible miracle. Of course Jackson told me to stay put but when have I ever listened to him anyway? I've been waiting for around 30 minutes and the anticipation is killing. The fact that I can't hear anything other than what's inside this stupid soundproof room doesn't make it any easier. 

  Trust me.

      I plopped down in the leather wheelchair around his desk and froze. My eyes scanned over the documents on his desk and I contemplated reading a couple. It won't hurt right? i'm sure he won't get too mad...right?

      My fingers lingered over a large white envelope labeled confidential. His computer dinged and I gasped. " Ohh gee, he left his computer on...I might as well just check my email" I spoke aloud to the silent room, mostly just convincing myself to do it.

    Stop being a wuss Ashley, what's the worst he can do? my subconscious snapped.

        Quickly I tapped the mouse making the screen light up. Instead of checking my emails I somehow ended up watching youtube videos. Anything ranging from vlogs, to diy's and even a few tutorials. His laptop dinged again and an email popped up on the bottom right of the screen. I wasn't planning on clicking on it, but then I saw the subject.

       Updates regarding Ashley Sunshine.

         I don't think I started to understand my new —unasked for lifestyle— until I saw this email. On it was every single detail you could ever know about me. Everything. From my 'confidential' banking information to my grades throughout school, heck even the record from when I had to go to the doctors because my cramps were too bad. There is information from when I used to have a therapist too. Everything.

      My eyes watered up and I balled my fists. This is a total invasion of privacy and I don't know if I should be mad or sad at the moment. There is information on this email that I didn't even know about myself, like I used to have nightmares that a three headed monster lived in my closet, it went on for three years apparently then it stopped. Thirty pages of information. All about me, I guess if my life was a book it would be around thirty pages right now.

    Something moved in my peripheral vision and I noticed a small camera, the same color as the room, was attached to the wall close to where I was sitting. Before I could even process that the door flew open.

    " Vanilla bean..." His voice was a low whisper. 

       " Go. To. Hell" I gritted my teeth.

        He glanced at the computer screen and sighed. " Why were you going through my emails?"

           " Why do you have a thirty page email about me?" I countered.

              No response. He just looked down at the ground guiltily.

           " I'm done" My voice broke.

      " With what?" He met my eyes.

     " With this!" I threw my arms up and stepped forward, two guys appeared in the doorway behind Jackson.

  " It's fine guys. Leave" Jackson sounded a bit annoyed.

   " But sir—" 

    " Leave!" He snapped.

       I crossed my arms. " What, do you have a thirty page email on them too?"

         " Vanilla—"

  " Don't call me that Jackson," I inhaled deeply. " First you let me continue to blame myself for my father leaving us when you knew the entire time, then I find out you have people stalking me for you?, not to mention you're bossy, confusing and extremely arrogant"

     " Look, " He pulled his chair from under his desk and sat down, contorting his face into something professional. " Sit down and i'll explain everything"

    " No screw you Jackson I—!"

      " That wasn't a question" He slammed his hand on the desk.

     I quickly sat my bum in a seat.

        He massaged his temples. " Okay, here's what happened"


A/N: hey guys! 

   here's a early chapter :) I'm actually not sure how I feel about it yet so let me know what you think in the comments ❤

     plz remember to vote if you enjoyed!


 p.s: Should Ashly really be mad at jackson for the emails and not telling her about her father?

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