Chapter 40: "And just like that, my smile was gone"

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Chapter 40: "And just like that, my smile was gone"

 " Here you go. Enjoy" A woman in her early 20's placed a stack of pancakes in front of me.

   "Yum, thank you" I smiled up at her before indulging in my breakfast. After eating my first two pancakes I looked at Jackson and frowned. Here I am with a stack of pancakes, bacon, toast and eggs while all he ordered was a muffin and a cup of coffee.

   " Why are you staring at me?" He questioned, taking a sip of coffee from his mug.

    " Because i'm sitting here being a pig and all you got was a muffin" I pout.

         He chuckled. " It's fine vanilla bean, if I eat too much this early i'll start feeling nauseous" 

         " At least let me pay for half of it" I insist.

        " Nope. Finish your breakfast" He pulled out his phone and began scrolling through it.

           "Okay" I said before slowly taking a drink of my orange juice. His phone dinged signaling a message and he jumped up so fast i'm sure he must have gotten whiplash or something.

    "Let's go" He looked around urgently.

   " Wh- what? now? but we just got here" I whined, shooting him a confused look.

       "Now Ashley"  He gave me a do not defy me look.

       "Goodbye pancakes" I sighed and stumbled out of the booth.

              He threw a fifty dollar bill on the table and walked out without even a glance back. I had to practically jog to keep up with him. Once we got to the car he pushed a button on his key and the trunk flew open. He slipped on his black leather jacket —which only helped make him look sexier— and slipped a handgun in his holster.

    Oh no.

    " Wait is he here?" I gulped looking around, suddenly anxious.

       " Relax" I watched as he slipped on a pair of black gloves and typed a quick text to someone.

         "But what if—?"

            He grabbed my chin and hovered his lips mere inches away from mine making me want to feel his touch once more. " That's why i'm here"

    "Um..." I stumbled back, a bit dazed by the moment. " Okay"

       " Good," He smirked just as his phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID, swore and muttered " Get in the car. I need to take this"

        Without arguing or talking back, this time —for once— I just did as I was told. I let out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding as soon as my bottom hit the cool leather seat. What exactly is going on right now? one minute I'm having breakfast with Jackson and the next he's just about prepared for some kind of battle.

    I watch intently as he paced back and forth in front of the car, pausing every few minutes to look at me and make sure I was still here. Safe. He rolled his eyes a couple times —hypocrite much?— because he knew the person couldn't see him, then he looked at me again this time a bit worried? nervous? I closed my eyes and tried to hear what he was saying.

     " She's not ready...but...don't understand...I can't..." He opened the car door. " Fine!"

         " Um...are you okay?" I reached out to touch his arms and he flinched away. I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt a bit.

   He sighed, clutching the steering wheel. I'm actually worried it just might turn to dust if he keeps squeezing it like that. " Remember all the stuff I told you about the mafia"

     " A little..." I looked at him, feeling a bit concerned.

         " Sometimes...," He stopped and thought about what he was going to say before continuing. " Sometimes we have to keep secrets...big secrets, and when it all starts falling into place the people we, uh" —he cleared his throat— "The people we care about might feel hurt or um...betrayed..."

      " Wha—?," I looked at him confused as he studied my expression carefully. " You're scaring me"

   " It's my job Ashley. The Mafia is all I know, everything else is new to me, trust...honesty. Just remember that" He started the car and the engine roared to life.

    " Can you please tell me whats going on?" I reached for his arm again, this time he let me touch him. I notice goosebumps run up his skin and a small smile cross my features.

   " I'm taking you to my boss. He feels it's time you two meet in person" 

     And just like that, my smile was gone.


   A/N: Hey guys! sorry this chapter is a little shorter than usual 😥but I promise to get the other one up as soon as I can!

  School has been a little crazy but i'm sure if you vote and comment i'll get the dose of motivation I need to keep going :)

 Anyway I reallyyyyy hope you enjoyed this chapter also there are more cliffhanger ahead and you might need to sit down for the next chapter because there's gonna be a lot of "How did I not notice that?!" moments XD



p.s- please excuse any spelling errors, i was in a hurry and will most likely fix them later :)

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