Chapter 14: "Jackson I have the plague"

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Chapter 14: "Jackson I have the plague!"




"Ugh" I groaned. Stopping the alarm on my phone. It's five am once again and a feeling of Deja vu washed over me from yesterday. I went for a morning jog and almost died. Pretty much.

Okay, maybe i'm being a tad bit overdramatic but either way, I decided to skip my morning workout routine today. I really don't need to start getting ready until six but I might as well do it since I'm already awake. I groggily made my way to the bathroom and start brushing my teeth. Yes people morning breath is real.

After I took a shower I splashed some water on my face just to wake me up some more and looked up at mirror, I froze. My neck...there's a red mark on my neck. It stands out on my neck like zit on a young teenager. Yes, i'm a teenager. My hand reached out to touch it so I can see if it burns. Is it a bug bite? a virus? Oh my god, I have the plague!

"Jackson!" I barged into his room after I got dressed.

"Hmm..." he rolled over and hugged his pillow. I took a moment to study his features. He was practically spooning the pillow with a cute little kindergarten smile on his face. A ray of light escaped the curtains and fell on his face making him look like an angel.

" You have to help me!" I shook him. "Jackson I have the plague!"

He jumped up in his boxers and glared at me. "Woman that's not funny i'm trying to sleep"

I folded my arms across my chest. " I'm not trying to be funny jerk face, I have a virus"

"What?" He gave me a quizzical look.

I pointed to my neck. " I'm gonna die! Jackson I don't want the plague! I never even believed in it"-I paused and looked up- "Oh god i'm sorry I never believed in it, please don't take me now!"

"Calm down," He chuckled as I paced the room. He thinks this is funny? " You seriously don't know what that is?"

I shot daggers at him. "What it is? I don't even know how I got it!"

" Maybe I can enlighten you then..." He pinned me against the wall, his hands holding mine above my head and nibbled on the other side of my neck.

My eyes widened. "Oh..."

"Now," He whispered in my ear. " People will know you're off limits to them too"

With that he left the room and went to take a shower. I walked over to his mirror and looked at me neck. Yep, there's another one. Fantastic.

His phone vibrated on the nightstand bringing me to shock. I picked it up and looked at the name 'Boss'. My fingers twitched to answer it. Who is this person? why is he trying to protect me? what is he protecting me from? Screw it, I picked up the line.

" H-Hello?" My voice was a bit shaky.

The person took a strong intake of air. "Where's Jackson?"

"In the shower, but I-I can leave a message for you" I offered.

"No," He laughed. "It's are you?"

His voice sounded a bit familiar. " I'm good but who are you?"

"Is Jackson treating you okay?" He ignored my question.

"Y-Yes sir" I nodded feeling stupid because he can't see me.

"Ahhh," I could tell he was smiling you're so respectful. "Jackson and you aren't...doing anything are you?"

I blushed, subconsciously fixing my hair again to make sure it's hiding the hickeys on my neck. "No sir, why am I off limits? if I may ask"

He sighed. "God, you're falling for him already!" He chuckled. "Jackson is a great guy, if I trust you with anyone it's him but, people like Jackson can't feel anything anymore, they've been hurt so much they just completely give up on love and...feelings which turns them into vicious killing machines"

My poor bad boy.

"Are you a killing machine?" I asked, nervously.

"Me?" He barked out laughter. " I was. Until I fell in love, this woman way shy but bold when it came to me she was the only one that could stop be from and I loved her"

"What happened? did she die?"

"Oh gosh no! we had a beautiful daughter just like her but...I had to let them go, my daughter....doesn't even remember me and my wife, well she hates my guts now...I-I'm sorry I don't know why I told you any of that I have to go-"

" Wait! who are you?" I felt like I knew this man.

"All in due time cupcake, all in due time". The line went dead.

Cupcake? my dad use to call me that...

No, it can't be.

it's not, I know it's not.

"Vanilla bean?" Jackson took the phone from my hand, checked the call and muttered something under his breathe. "Hey, what's wrong?" He dried my tears with his thumb. Wait tears? "What did he say to you?"

"Who is he Jackson? Who is he!" I slammed my hand on his chest which hurt me more than it hurt him.

" I can't tell you...I'm sorry" He's never apologized before.

"Why?" I asked still shocked.

"You know why, I'll get killed, I signed a contract when I joined," He lifted my chin. "You signed a contract too and I know you want to talk to your friend but you can't vanilla bean, if they find out not even I can stop them"

" Does it matter if i'm gone?," I turned away. "My life is broken anyway, everyone leaves Jackson, in the end everyone leaves"

" I'm still here," He took my hand. "Even when it's all over I'll still be the Jerk Face here to annoy you"

I met his eyes before hugging him. "Thank you" His hands around my waist made me feel safe and secure and I didn't want this moment to ever end but of course it was Tuesday morning and I had to start my classes, so did he. So we pulled apart I dried my tears -thank god I didn't feel like wearing makeup today- and headed out with Jackson Miller right behind me. He was here like he said he would be.



A/N: Hey Jacksonators!

So this chapter was a little intense and sad :'(

Who do you think The Boss is?

You might not want to jump to conclusion too quick ;p

Anyways... Please vote/comment/fan if you liked this, I love having feedback from you guys.

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