Latin Phrases P

306 13 1

Pace tua
with your peace

Pacem in terries
Peace on Earth

Pacta sunt servanda
agreements must be kept

Palma non sine pulvere
no reward without effort

Palmam qui meruit ferat
He who has earned the palm, let him bear it.

Panem et circenses
bread and circuses

Para bellum

Prepare for war

Parare domino plebem perfectam
to prepare for God a perfect people

Parce sepulto
forgive the interred

Parens patriae
parent of the nation

Pari passu
with equal step

Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus
The mountains are in labour, a ridiculous mouse will be born.

Parum luceat
it does not shine [being darkened by shade].

Parva sub ingenti
the small under the huge

Parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus
When you are steeped in little things, you shall safely attempt great things.

here and there, everywhere

Pater familias
father of the family

Pater patriae
father of the nation

Pater peccavi
father, I have sinned

Pauca sed bona
few, but good

Pauca sed matura
few, but ripe

Paulatim ergo certe
slowly therefore surely

Pax aeterna
eternal peace

Pax Dei
Peace of God

Pax Deorum
Peace of Gods

Pax et bonum
peace and the good

Pax et Justitia
peace and justice

Pax et lux
peace and light

Pax in terra
peace on earth

Pax intrantibus, salus exeuntibus
Peace ot those who enter, health to those who depart

Pax matrum ergo pax familiarum
peace of mothers, therefore peace of families

Pax optima rerum
peace is the greatest good

Pax tecum
peace be with you

I have sinned

Pecunia non olet
money doesn't smell

Pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis domina
if you know how to use money, money is your slave; if you don't money is your master

Pede poena claudo
punishment comes limping

Pendent opera interrupta
the work hangs interrupted

Per angusta ad augusta
through difficulties to greatness

Per annum
each year

Per ardua
through adversity

Per ardua ad alta
through difficulty to heights

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