How To Survive the Fae

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1. Eat not what they offer

2. Promise not thy first born child

3. Magic always has a price

4. A life for a life, there must always be balance

5. Trust not the smiles and kindness, but do not disregard it

6. Invite them not into thy home

7. Invite them not into thy mind

8. Speak not of thy name, for a name is power

9. Ask not for favors, you will regret them

10. Dance not with them, for they will enchant thee

11. Step not into mushroom circles, for thou will never leave

12. Drink not from their wells

13. Kill not what they protect

14. Destroy not what they love

15. Summon not the Elder Race

16. Summon not the Fae

17. Wish naught of them

18. Speak not of gold, for they covet it

19. Speak not of children, for they covet them also

20. Fall not in love with them, for they feel not the same love

22. Offer nothing but kindness, accept nothing but smiles

23. Trust not their compliments, but take them in stride

24. Compliment them, for the Fae are prideful

25. Lie not, the fair folk hate those who lie

26. Iron is thy friend, keep it close and wear it on thy person.

27. Rowan and alder are also thy friend but more noticeable

28. Think not of treachery, they shall destroy thee

29. Sign no contracts, thou will not get a lawyer, only death and heartache

30. Give not thy blood, for it will bind you to them

31. Seek not power through them, for they will gain itthrough you


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