Ballet Terms

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Allégro - bright, fast, or brisk steps and movement.

Abstract ballet - a ballet without a plot.

Allongé - a position that is stretched or made longer.

Arabesque - a position where the body is supported on one leg, with the other leg extended directly behind the body with a straight knee.

Assemblé - two legs joined together in the air.

Attitude - a position where the dancer is standing on one leg with the other lifted and in a 145-degree angle.

Avant, en - the direction of the execution for a step, specifically moving forward or to the front.

Adagio - slow movement


Balançoire - exercises where dancers repeatedly swing their leg from front to back and tilt their upper body slightly forward or backward, opposite to the direction their leg is moving.

Ballerina - originally meant as the rank of a principal female dancer in a ballet company.

Ballerino - the male version of a ballerina.

Ballet Technique - the set foundation of principles and methods of movement used to perform and learn as a student.

Ballet - a theatrical dance formed by a choreographer who expresses an idea through dances with costumes, lighting, and scenery appropriate to the dance.

Ballet Blanc - any ballet where the dancers wear the traditional white tutus.

Battement Développé - when a dancer moves, from a fifth position, their working foot up to a retiré position and opens with a deliberate motion.

Battement Fondu - when a dancer's supporting leg is slowly bent in fondu with the working foot pointing on the ankle

Battement Jeté, Grand - the idea that the working leg quickly gets to the top of the position as opposed to slowly.

Batterie - all beaten steps or steps with beats as a group.

Battu - any step that is made more difficult by adding a beating of the legs in the middle of the jump or step.

Beats - something added to a jump to make it more difficult

Bras - a term that translates to arms

Ballet Master/Mistress -  a person in a ballet company whose duty is to give a daily company ballet class and rehearse ballets that the dancers will perform.

Balletomane - an avid ballet fan or enthusiast.

Ballon - to bounce

Balloné - a step where the leg is extended to the second or fourth position (front, side or back) at 45 degrees; then the knee is bent and the foot brought to a sur le cou-de-pied position.

Ballotté - a step performed in sequence with a rocking, swinging, movement.

Barre - a horizontal, often wooden or metal, bar used as support.

Bas, en - a term used to indicate a low position of the arms.

Battement - when a dancer either closes their legs in together then opens them back up, or the other way around.

Battement, Grande - a large battement

Battement, Petit - a small battement

Battement Arrondi - a rounded battement. when a dancer's toes move in a semi-circle in the air.

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