Violent Behaviour

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Violent behaviour or aggression is any behaviour by an individual that threatens or actually harms or injures the individual or others or destroys property.

There are Several forms of violence

Physical Violence
Sexual Violence
Emotional Violence
Psychological Violence
Spiritual Violence
Cultural Violence
Verbal  Violence
Financial Violence
Neglect Violence

It's can often start with verbal threats and over time evolves into physical violence. It can also be a learnt childhood experience, if a child has learnt the behaviour from their own family members upbringing.

Through the parents or guardian, this may occur in cycles it starts with conflict and tension. then followed by abuse of another or destruction of property. This pattern usually repeats itself and gets worse over time.

these are the red flags the likely occur in Violent behaviour

· A history of childhood abuse.

· A history of violent behaviour.

· Low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness.

· Alcohol or drug use or abuse.

· Mental health problems, such as schizophrenia, bi-poler disorder, or personality disorder.

· A history of arrests.

· A history of attempted suicide.

· Feelings of suspicion or hostility.

· As well as brain damage

All these are points that lead to damning comments, such as you're failure, you're unneeded or those who are victims may experience:

Physical violence includes, but is not limited to:

-Using physical force which results in pain, discomfort or injury;
-Hitting, pinching, hair-pulling, arm-twisting, strangling, burning, stabbing, punching, pushing, slapping, beating, shoving, kicking, choking, biting, force-feeding, or any other rough treatment;
-Assault with a weapon or other object;
-Threats with a weapon or object;
-Deliberate exposure to severe weather or inappropriate room temperatures; and,

Medication abuseInappropriate use of medication, including:withholding medication;Not complying with prescription instructions; and,Over- or under-medication.

Restraints abuseForcible confinement;Excessive, unwarranted or unnecessary use of physical restraints;Forcing a person to remain in bed;Unwarranted use of medication to control a person (also called "chemical restraint"); and,Tying the person to a bed or chair.

Sexual violence includes, but is not limited to:

- Touching in a sexual manner without consent (i.e., kissing, grabbing, fondling);
-Forced sexual intercourse;Forcing a person to perform sexual acts that may be degrading or painful;
-Beating sexual parts of the body;
-Forcing a person to view pornographic material; forcing participation in pornographic filming;
-Using a weapon to force compliance;
-Making unwelcome sexual comments or jokes;
-leering behaviour;
-Withholding sexual affection;
-Denial of a person's sexuality or privacy (watching);
-Denial of sexual information and education;
-Humiliating, criticizing or trying to control a person's sexuality;
-Forced prostitution;Unfounded allegations of promiscuity and/or infidelity; and,Purposefully exposing the person to HIV-AIDS or other sexually transmitted infections.

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