Types of Economic Activities

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I actually found this list, while studying Bangladesh Child Labour for Uni. You never know what it could be useful for.

Child Labour in old Districts Towns: Types of Economic Activities.

1. Animal feed shop assistant

2. Animal seller's assistant

3. Art/signboard shop assistant

4. Automobile workshop worker

5. Bag (leather/foam) seller's assistant

6. Battery repairing shop assistant

7. Battery shop assistant

8. Bedding shop assistant

9. Beggar's assistant

10. Betel leaf & betel nut seller in the market

11. Betel leaf & cigarette seller on footpath

12. Bidi factory worker

13. Blacksmith shop assistant

14. Book binding shop assistant

15. Book shop assistant

16. Bran seller/shop assistant

17. Bread seller on footpath

18. Brick/stone breaker

19. Broom seller

20. Bus helper

21. Cake/biscuit seller on footpath

22. Carpenter's assistant

23. Carrying bamboo

24. Carrying goods to, and from, market

25. Carrying fire woods

26. Carrying grass

27. Carrying tiffin box to offices

28. Cassette (audio) shop assistant

29. Cigarette shop assistant

30. Cloth seller on footpath

31. Cloth shop assistant

32. Cobbler

33. Cold-drink seller

34. Collecting cow dung

35. Comb, needle, naphthalene seller (mobile)

36. Confectionery factory worker

37. Confectionery shop assistant

38. Cosmetics seller's assistant

39. Cotton seller

40. Cow seller's assistant

41. Cookeries (alum/metal/plastic) shop assistant

42. Cookeries (metal, ceramic) shop assistant

43. Curd seller

44. Day-labourer

45. Decoration shop assistant

46. Departmental store's assistant

47. Domestic servant

48. Drinking water seller (mobile)

49. Drum factory worker

50. Dry fish seller's assistant

51. Ear cleaner (mobile)

52. Egg seller's/shop assistant

53. Electric goods shop assistant

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