Chapter 36 ~ "Have you asserted your dominance yet?"

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a/n: it's been an entire year lmao. amazing. basically jordan is in new york with her brother bc she's underage and her mum is dead and dad has disappeared, and she misses luke obviously. and there's jayden and michael and daniel, a couple new fellas for you to meet.

dedicated to livingthemukelife for the series of comments she left on all of the other chapters :)

Chapter 36: "Have you asserted your dominance yet?"

"No, you cannot come to my house," I said. Again. 

"Why not?" Jayden asked. Again.

I looked up with a scowl, my hands slowly crushing my sandwich to death. "Michael, I swear to God, if your friend won't shut the fuck up for at least three minutes, I'm throwing him in the rubbish bin."

Michael just shrugged unhelpfully, not even paying us any attention. Daniel also sat there doing nothing, and my forehead wrinkled in disgust. Jayden wouldn't stop talking - he'd been going on about nothing in particular for the past twelve minutes of lunch. 

"That's rude," he said to me, crossing his arms. "I just want to go to your house."

"I don't even know you."

He made an affronted face. "You literally do. You know my name."

My phone rang just then, and when I saw that it was Luke, I felt my mood lighten. I stood up and grabbed my bag, and as I walked away I answered. "Hello!"

"Wow, way to choose your boyfriend over me!" Jayden yelled after me. 

I ignored him, my annoyance disappearing completely when I heard Luke laugh on the other end. "Hey, beautiful. Who was that?"

"Just some buffoon I met at school," I said dismissively. "But it doesn't matter, how are you?"

"Joey and I skipped school today," he said, "but don't worry, it's just because he's sick."

I rolled my eyes. "But you're not sick, are you?"

"I'm keeping him company! Jesus, on the complete other side of the country, and you're still after my ass." He laughed loudly and happily, and I closed my eyes, taking in the sound. Good lord, I missed him so much. "How's the new school?"

"It's fine. It's a school. Everything's in one big building, which is weird. But it's just a regular high school."

"Have you already asserted your dominance? Scared a few people? Flipped any tables?"

I scoffed, stopping in front of my locker. I leant my head against the locker door, trying to keep from smiling like an idiot, even though what he was saying was idiotic itself. "Why is violence something you automatically assume about me? No, you moron. I haven't scared anybody yet. I'm not that scary."

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