Chapter 4 ~ "And he's an irritating cocky piece of shite."

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A/N: Dedicated to CrayonChomper because all her works are absolutely brilliant!

Chapter 4: "And he's an irritating, cocky piece of shite."

"What's wrong, Danny?" my friend Miranda asked sympathetically.

I shrugged. "Maybe I'm tired?"

"You sound like you're not so sure. Was it Luke?"

"You always think it's Luke. Why do you always think it's Luke?"

"I don't know why you're so mean to him."

I gaped at her. "I'm not mean to him." 

"Okay, you're not mean," she relented. "You do you say're not as enthusiastic with him as other girls are."

"Yeah, I know," I said, as if she were an idiot.

"But, Danny! He's so cute, he's smart, he's--"

I was about to say So was Ryan, but why defend the guy? It's not like I was dating him anymore. "And he's an irritating, cocky piece of shite."

"No, he's funny, with just the right amount of confidence. You're just blinded."

"By what exactly, Dr. Miranda?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms.

She smiled smugly, and I didn't like that look on her face one bit. "The fact that he treats you different than any other girl."

I snorted. "Is that so? So your interpretation of 'different' is sexual harassment?"

"Blind!" she sang.

"You're so fucking annoying, who gives a fuck about Luke? Why do you even think something's wrong?"

Randy clucked her tongue. "You missed lessons until now. That's not like you, Pres."

"I'm fine, will you chill out? And what did I say about calling me Pres?"

"What did I tell you about being patronising? And why can't I call you Pres? It's catchy, and everyone else does it."

I raised an eyebrow. "Never thought you were one of those sheep, doing whatever other people did. If I jumped off a cliff, would you follow?"

"Am I stupid?" I opened my mouth to answer, but she cut me off. "Wait, no, I don't want to hear it. Of course I wouldn't. I'd grab a boat and save your stupid ass."

I grinned. "Good to know that I can count on you."

"Why ask? Planning to go all Twilight on me and jump off a cliff because you miss your stupid boyfriend?"

"I've never read those books, so I don't know what you're talking about."

"What's up, chums?" came a third party voice, as the person deposited their heavy body next to me.

"I'm not your chum, Lucas."

"Chum is gross," Randy added.

"You're thinking Spongebob," Luke corrected, a jaunty grin on his beautiful face. Now don't give me that look, if you've even seen the guy, you'd be dropping your panties faster than he could say 'Krabby Patty.' But it was his personality that was the problem. It put me off.

"Oh yeah, huh?" she replied thoughtfully.

"Why are you two being so chummy?" I punned.

Luke gasped. "Did you just make a joke, Jordy-kins?"

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