Chapter 32 ~ "Xav, stop trying to impale the girl."

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Chapter 32: "Xav, stop trying to impale the girl."

"Beautiful," Luke's deep voice said, bringing me out of my daze.

I looked at him, and at his worried frown. "Luke," I said, my voice cracking at the end. It was only three months. We could make it, together.

"What did Seth say? Are you in trouble?"

I shook my head and gulped once. Don't cry, Danny. Don't do it. "No," I said, my feet automatically bringing myself closer to him. I raised my arms and Luke immediately brought me to him, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. I hugged him around his neck and he pulled me against his hard chest, practically lifting me off the ground.

"Beautiful?" Luke asked. I could hear the concern in his voice, and it made my hands clench against his shoulders. "What's wrong?"

I bit my lip so hard that I tasted blood. Okay, the key was in level-headedness. "Luke, I'm leaving," I blurted, and then closed my eyes briefly. God, I was an idiot.

His eyes widened at my abrupt tone and he stopped mid sentence. "Okay. Let's go."

I shook my head. "No, Luke. Seth is making me move with him to New York. For three months." I gulped and let go of him. His arms fell off of me, and I frowned. This wasn't how I wanted to tell him.

There was a deafening silence. "When?" His voice was hoarse. It broke my heart to hear.

"After the last musical performance."

His hands reached for me again, and I didn't stop him from hugging me, because I needed to feel his warmth. I needed to know he was real. "Only three months?"


"Do you-do you promise to come back?"

"Yes," I said and clung to him like a baby monkey. "I promise I'll come back."

His head buried into my neck and he threaded his hands into my waves of hair. "You better," he said, a hint of playfulness in his tone. "Because God knows I can't handle your friends by myself."

I pulled back and smiled slightly. Even when I wanted to cry, he made me happy. I loved that about him, I loved him. God, how could I manage for three months without him? "Luke," I said.

"Yeah, babe?" His hands, which were supporting me up by my hips, slid down slightly, and I squeaked. He grinned.

"Don't do that, you sex monkey," I scolded, smacking his cheek slightly.

"You don't like it?" he asked innocently, and squeezed. I squeaked again, all but jumping out of his grip. I tripped as I landed, and fell down onto my arse.

I let out a low groan. "For the love of-"

Luke guffawed obnoxiously, cutting me off, and I rolled my eyes. I may love the kid, but that didn't stop him from being annoying. "You're a girl, aren't you supposed to be all graceful and shit?"

I pushed myself to my feet, no thanks to him, and scowled. "Oh, shut it."

He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but return it. His smile was the kind that warmed you to the tips of your toes, and it never let me stay mad at him. He swooped down and pecked my cheek. "Love ya, babe," he said, winking.

I chuckled, and took his hand in mine. How could I ever doubt him? There was no way we wouldn't be able to survive the three months apart. "Love ya too, sweet cheeks," I teased, poking his side.

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