Chapter 22 ~ "Do you want me to kill you?"

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A/N: Kind of developing their relationship a bit more, I hope you don't mind how slow it's going :)

Chapter 22: "Do you want me to kill you?"

"JORDAAAAAY!" Luke screamed in my ear through the phone.

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and glanced at the bright screen to check the time. "What in the absolute fuck, Luke! It's two in the bloody morning!" I whispered furiously.

"But I missed you, Jordy," he whined, his words slurring together.

We hadn't spoken properly since the kiss, but that was only yesterday. And now it was Friday, or technically Saturday, but still. "Luke, you bastard, you just got over the flu, why the fuck do you sound like you're drunk?" I snapped.

"That's because I am, Jordy-kins!" he giggled loudly, and I grimaced at his obnoxiousness.

"Why are you calling me so early, do you want me to kill you?" My voice was low, but deadly serious, so I knew Luke could hear me, even above the loud sounds of partying coming from his end.

"I just said I missed you, Jordy! I want to see you!"

I sat up in bed and let out a groan, massaging my forehead as I listened to him blather on about his story that made absolutely no sense.

"And then the Queen of Snuggle Bunnies forgot that she was supposed to fuck the Oompa-Loompa for magic beans, so she took some dild-"

"Lucas Dane Tarrone, do you have someone to take you home?" I interrupted before I could hear anything else. If I listened any more, the red I was seeing would turn into actual blood. Luke's blood, from me repeatedly stabbing him over and over again.Too violent? Okay, maybe just a few solid decks in the face, then?

"Duuuuh! Me!"

Oh, hell no. That stupid idiot drove himself to this fucking party and didn't even exercise enough control to not drink? "Shut up and tell me where you are," I growled.

"I'm having so much fun-"

"Tell me where you are," I repeated darkly, my tone harsh enough to sober him up. He didn't even like alcohol, what was he doing drinking so much? He better not have gotten alcohol poisoning, I swear to God.

"I-I'm at Wendell's," he stuttered, sounding like a little boy once he heard how cross I was. No, I wasn't cross, I was absolutely pissed. Did he have no sense of responsibility?

"Stay there. Don't you dare move, you little bitch, or else!" I warned before hanging up and rolling out of bed. My room was pitch black and my eyes were still sensitive to light, so I just padded down the stairs to the front door and slipped on my shoes and one of Luke's old jumpers. Don't ask why me I had it.

No one was home - Mum was spending the night at the doctor's for some sort of post-ultrasound appointment. She didn't want to know the gender yet, but the doctor wanted to make sure the baby was growing properly.

Wait, no one was home; no one includes Dad, which means - fuck! Fuckity, fucking fuck! Dad had taken my car, how could I have forgotten? And Mum had taken his car to the doctor's so I was stuck. I couldn't call Randy or Leo, in fact, they were probably already at that stupid party. I only didn't go because I had to get some volunteering permits in order for Student Council.

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