Chapter 15 ~ "Wouldn't that have been an event to remember?"

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A/N: Jordan's a bit of a bitch to Molly in this chapter, lol. Also, my apologies for its suckiness!

Chapter 15: "Wouldn't that have been an event to remember?"

I not-so-patiently waited as Molly twirled in a circle for perhaps the fifth fucking time since I'd begun doing her makeup that she oh-so-sweetly demanded me to put on.

Apparently it wasn't enough that I'd practically organised the whole thing, but I also had to make sure she looked pretty as well. She was so lucky I wasn't Flora, otherwise she'd end up looking like a drag queen that had been dragged through the sewage.

"Molly, sit your ass down," I commanded, pointing at the chair she'd sprung up from.

She clasped her hands together, her eyes shining with excitement as she slowly lowered herself onto the seat of the chair. I would've been touched at how emotional she was being if I hadn't been around her since five in the morning. Yes. That was right.

Five. In the morning.

It was now noon and we had one bloody hour to get her makeup, hair, and dress ready, yet she kept prancing around like a bunny frolicking through a field of flowers. And seven hours of listening to alternating gushing and crying really did make a girl a "grouchy-puss" as Luke so eloquently put it.

"I am so lucky to have Mark, aren't I?" she cooed, tilting her head right at the exact moment I was doing her eyeliner. I cursed lowly and glared at her, but in her love-induced haze, she didn't even notice my positively murderous face.

"Yes, you are so very lucky," I muttered grumpily, blotting out the crooked liner so I could fix it properly.

"Danny!" she complained, jerking her head to look at me. My eye twitched and I bit my lip to hold in my scream when the liner went awry yet again. One more move and I would stab her through the nostrils with this bloody pencil.

My hands clenched and I threw them up in the air in exasperation, raising my eyes to the ceiling in a "why me?" gesture. "My god, I'm going bonkers," I breathed, trying to keep calm.

She sighed happily, ignoring me completely. "Mark's eyes are so deep...and they're so blue! They're like the ocean - so gorgeous," she continued, barrelling right over my anger.

I sighed as well, but more in an 'I'm-about-to-fuck-you-up' way as opposed to 'I'm-so-in-love' way. "You hate the ocean," I said blandly.

Molly smiled dreamily. "But I'll never have to go as long as I look into his eyes!" I forced down my gag reflex and settled for rolling my eyes. Even my feelings for Luke wouldn't ever make me such a sappy little pussy. No way. "Why are you so cross anyway, Danny? Shouldn't I be the one mad at you?"

I gave her a look that suggested that she was so moronic that she shouldn't be allowed on this planet. "Why in the absolute fuck would you be mad at me?"

She frowned deeply and accusingly. I raised an eyebrow at the random negativity. "You left all of us drunk and rideless at a club, Danny! Why would you even do that?"

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