Chapter 18

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Lucy's Point of View

All of the Gladers decided to stay in the council for the night to make sure none of the Grievers came back into the Glade. Newt woke up a couple hours later after Alby was gone. The Med-Jacks said he passed out from shock.


He was gone. He was actually gone. Our only leader is gone. Now everyone needs Newt, who is in no condition to be our leader at the moment. But what Alby said.

'Everything is going to change'

That's what I heard in my dream. I'm assuming things are changing. Getting stung, girl Greenie, doors staying open during the night. For some reason, everything Alby said keeps replaying in my mind, like it's supposed to mean something.

'They take one a night'

Did he mean the Grievers? The Grievers were going to take us? Why would the creators want to do this to us? Then my mind eventually found Minho.


Why did he run into the Maze? Follow the Grievers? Why? I thought long about it, still finding no answer.

Morning began to come around and some of the Gladers began to stir. I looked over to see Tommy cuddling my arm. I tried to move it but he wouldn't let go.

"Stop." He mumbled.

"Stop what? Your cuddling my arm." I said.

"I want to cuddle." He mumbled.

"Fine." I gave in not wanting to fight. I sat there for about 10 minutes getting bored of the situation.

"Tommy let's go." I said softly.

"No..." He mumbled.






"Here we go again, huh?" Newt asked tiredly. I yanked my arm away from Tommy and went over to Newt, hugging him tightly. He hugged back.

"You scared the crap out of me. Don't do that ever again? Don't get hurt." I said.

"Who made you leader here?" He said sarcastically.

"Well, since I thought you 'died'." I said using my fingers as quotes " I did."

"That's good to know that you'll be in charge of me." Newt said sarcastically.

"How is your ankle." I said quickly. I didn't want to make the conversation about his ankle uncomfortable for him.

"Want the truth? It hurts like a bitch." He said chuckling.

"How can you laugh at that?" I said smiling.

"Smiles make the pain better. It feels a little bit better because Clint and Jeff gave me some type of medication that helps with the pain. I should be on my feet in a day or two. Now that Alby's gone." His stopped with his voice cracking.

"Newt." I said sympathetic.

"I can't believe he did that. He just." Newt stopped with a tear falling down his check. "Alby was my best friend. We have been here since the beginning."

"Newt, maybe that wasn't Alby."

"What?" He said not getting what I meant.

"You told me during the Tour that the creators once controlled someone? Maybe they were controlling Alby then. Yes, he is gone, but I don't think e would want to hurt you if you two were so close." I leaned over and hugged him. I saw Newt as a older brother. He was there for me when I got in a fight with Minho. Now I'm here for him. I knew that Newt saw Chuck as a younger sibling. The way they would talk to each other. I smiled to myself causing Newt to furrow his eyebrows.

"What's going on up there?" He said poking my head.


"Lucy? Where is Minho? I didn't see him when I woke up last night." I felt tears forming in my eyes. I looked at Newt, to see his expression change.

"Luce. He didn't-" I didn't want to here what he was going to say.

"I don't know. All I know is after they took Alby, he followed the Grievers into the maze. No explanation. Nothing." I said quietly with my head down.

"Lucy." Newt began "Minho is strong. He will make it. If he can make it a night in the maze, then he can do it."


"I know I said all of that stuff about him but that isn't something I can promise Luce." He said sympathetically. I sighed.

"Just stay strong. Ok?" I nodded.

"How is your leg?" He said changing the topic.

"It's better. Yesterday, Clint and Jeff told me that I will feel better today, which I do. So. I can move without the crutch, just, can't run. I can jog though."

"Speaking of Running, you never got a job. What do you want to be?" Newt asked.

"Isn't that your choice?" I said.

"Lucy, we are all screwed at the moment. Just pick your job."

"I like three though." I complained.


"Cook, Med-Jack, Runner."

"Well Olivia, you are now officially a Cook, Med-Jack, and Runner."

"How is that possible?"

"You can do one each day. So for example, you'll do Cook one day, then Med-Jack the next, then Runner next day, then it continues. Cook, Med-Jack, Runner.

I made an O with my mouth.
"Okie, thanks Newt."

"Your welcome."

The day felt like it was dragging on, and on. And still no Minho. I was telling myself over and over that he is ok. But I slowly began to doubt myself.

The sun was beginning to set. I was getting worried that he really was gone. Newt told everyone to gather back into the council for the night.
During the night, one of the Gladers went outside to see if the Grievers left and was taken. Then the Grievers left. But still no Minho.

I haven't talked to anyone since this morning with Newt. I have only mumbled thank you's or you welcome's to Gladers who helped me or I helped them.

After the Glader was taken everyone seemed to relax a bit. Except for me. I was still worried about Minho. So I went and sat alone, in the corner of the council. Thomas, Newt, and Chuck were all together playing some game with rocks. I just kept my distance, not wanting to talk. I kept thinking about Minho. Minho, Minho, Minho. I began to get sleepy and drifted off into sleep, hoping that he would return tomorrow.

Hey guys. Sorry for only one update today. Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 18 ~Screwed~ I may update tonight so...... Bye


We'll Be Ok |The Maze Runner| MinhoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz