Chapter 37

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~I Found It~

Lucy's Point of View

"Lucy? Lucy can you hear me?"

"Yes Tommy. Are you all okay? Is everyone still with you? Are-"

"The real question is are you ok?"

"Lucy? What are you doing?" Sam said in a worried voice.

"I'll explain in a minute." I said reassuringly.

"Tommy I'm fine. This man named Sam found me and saved me."

"Does he look suspicious?"

I glanced over at Sam who kept his eyes on the road.

"No. He is nice. I don't know where we are going though. Hang on. I'll talk to you in a few."



"What were you doing before?"

I chuckled. "My brother Thomas, and I are able to talk to each other
mentally I guess you would say."

"That's amazing." I smiled.

"My question is, where are we going. My group is looking for The Right Arm. Have you heard of them?"

"Heard of them? I am one of them." He said smiling.

"You-you what?" I almost exclaimed.

"I. Am. Part. Of. The. Right. Arm." He said saying everywhere separately.

"Can I tell my brother?"



"I'm going to have the biggest headache ever. Who did you find? Why is ARIS the best?"

"The Right Arm. He was right. I found them."

Tommy didn't respond after I said that. He must be celebrating with the others. I smiled at my own thoughts.

"You still there?"

"I can't believe. This could be our way out." I could hear the smile in his voice causing me to smile.

"Now, the real question is. Where am I going to find you guys?"

"I don't know."



"How could I get back to my friends?"

He groaned. "I don't know. We are planning on moving somewhere else in two days. Unless we can find them in that time, you need to move on from them."

I gasped slightly at how harsh he was being. Move on? My brother? Minho? Newt?

"How could you say that?! I have been through almost everything with them. How would you feel if you were told you couldn't see your family anymore."

He didn't respond at first. "I do know what that is like." He said breaking the tension. "Working for WICKED wasn't a piece of cake you know."

I wanted to break down then and there, possibly knowing I could never see them again. But I started to feel a rush of confidence grow in me.

I will find them in two days.

OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT IM SO SORRY. I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 37 ~I Found Them~ Bye!


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