1) Decisions Decisions

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Decisions Decisions

  The lights came on and there sat three strangers just coming to. The three sat cuffed to their own chair with just there left arm free of the restraints that held them in place. A gun laid in each of their laps. I gave them a moment to panic, to freak out, and to cast the blame onto one another.  I gave them time to shout, cuss, and cry, to beg, demand, and ask the million dollar question. Where the fuck was they? I smiled once the introductions were over at last and pressed the button to the intercom.

    “Welcome one and all to Death’s Fun House. You may call me Mr. Reaper,” I spoke and watched as the group looked around to see who I was or maybe they were looking around to find out where I was.

    “Get us out of here,” The House Wife in this group of three begged me as she struggled against her restraints, using her free hand to pull at the cuff holding her right arm down to the chair. It always amused me how hard they tried to free themselves. As if I would make it so easy for them to break out. As if I would allow them to ruin the game.
    “In your lap is a gun with a single bullet in it. Please pick it up and point it at the person to the left of you.” They all looked down at the revolver that lied on their laps yet none of them picked it up.

    “What do you want from us,” The Business Man asked or more like screamed.

    “I will have you know that time is of the essence. As you waste it not listening to me the room you are in is slowly filling with a neurological gas that will slowly but surely shut down your system and kill you. Take a look to your right please.” I told them and they looked to see the clock on the wall. It was counting down from thirty minutes.

    “What does it mean,” the last in this group; the Average Joe asked.

    “It means that in thirty minutes that door to the other side of the room is going to close and lock forever and none of you will ever see the light of day again. So…” I started in a nice calm voice. “PICK UP THE FUCKING GUNS,” I yelled and this time they all listened. The Business Man’s gun was pointed at the House Wife, the House Wife’s at the Average Joe, and the Average Joe’s at the Business Man. My perfect little circle of death was complete at last.

    “Now what,” The Business Man asked and I giggled with excitement. Now the real fun began.

    “The first person that shoots and kill his or her target shall be released. The man left will get five minutes to decide if he wants to die or revenge the fallen man or woman’s death. In layman’s terms only one or none of you are walking out of here alive. Remember the clock is ticking. Twenty-five minutes left,” I said and watched them.   

    I watched as the guns shook in each of their hands. I watched as they begged the one with the gun to their head to please have mercy on their souls. I watched as they plotted and planned a way to free themselves from this predicament. This was my favorite part of the show. I was very interested in knowing what kind of person it took to give up his or her own life for a stranger that they had only just meant. Or would self-preservation win over all. Who would be the first to pull the trigger? Who had the most to live for? Even still, would the reminding one take revenge? Maybe they would kill out of a twisted sense of justice or just because they didn’t want to die either.

    “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The Business Man was cracking under the pressure already. As humans don’t we all want to do the right thing? No man wants to kill another but when it’s you or them who do you choose?

    “You can’t do this,” The House Wife cried. “You will never get away with this,” She threatened. The Average Joe on the other hand was calm. He was still as if he knew something that the others didn’t.  Or maybe he was ready to pull the trigger and end the life of the Business Man. My phone rang playing my favorite song as the name ‘THAT WOMAN’ popped up on my screen. I rolled my eyes moving away from the window that looked down onto my playmates and away from the intercom as well. Then I slid the bar over to answer the phone.

Death Becomes UsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang