13) Girls

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    “Sky.” That Woman called and my eyes opened and I looked up at my ceiling. It was Saturday morning, why the hell was she harassing me already? I laid still in my bed not willing to move at her command. “Sky someone at the door for you.”  That peeked my interest just a bit. I turned and looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was closing in on ten in the morning.

            If it was Jake and That Woman woke me for him I was going to be pissed. I swung my legs out of bed and went down stairs not even bothering to brush my hair or even grab a shirt. I already knew that it probably was Jake. Why not the world seems to enjoy it when I’m annoyed. I came downstairs and then frowned when I saw Alyssa standing in the front hall. She was the last person I thought I was going to see coming to my house. How the fuck did she even know where I lived?

            “Umm, Alyssa, hi.” I said lamely and then wanted to kick myself.

            “Hi Sky.” She said all cute like. “I was in the neighborhood and thought that I should drop by.” She said doing that thing where she twisted a piece of hair around her finger. I watched her; I couldn’t help it after all. How many times have I played this out in my head? The day that Alyssa would come into my house; the day that she was really and truly know that I was existed.

            “Cool.” I said and I wanted to punch myself in face. What was wrong with me? I get the girl of my dreams to flirt with me in my house and I was being as smooth as a rose’s steam. If I kept stabbing myself with the thorns I was going to start bleeding. “Umm I need to go get dress but you want to do something afterwards?”  I asked her pulling my shit together fast.

            She gave me this smile that was the smile of all smiles and then nodded.  I didn’t even know what to say to that so I turned around and went back upstairs. After my shower and getting dressed I was feeling more like me. Yes, I liked Alyssa have for many years now but I wasn’t going to be one of those stuttering idiots for her. I came down and saw that she was on the sofa talking to That Woman. I walked over giving That Woman a dirty look. If they were talking about me I would make her pay for that later.

            “Are you ready Sky?” Alyssa asked me and I cast one finial look at That Woman as if I was daring her to speak. She just sat there with a fake smile glued to her face. Sometimes I wonder what The Man was thinking when he married her. You never marry the whore you have your fun and then you move on.

            “Of course I am.” I said and walked over to her putting my hand on her lower back so that I could guide her out of the house. She didn’t seem to mind that I was touching her so there was no need for me to move my hand. I took her to a café so that we could do the whole talk over coffee thing. After we both were seated with a drink and cupcake Alyssa started to talk. About what, I’m not sure some girly problem about one of her friends begin to fat. Just because I liked her didn’t mean that I cared enough to listen to her chatter. I went over plans for my next game in my head when she reached out and grabbed my hand breaking me out of my world of me.

            “Sky why do you hang around Jade now?” She asked and that got me to pay attention. I knew that Jade was no fan of Alyssa but I thought that was just because Jade was insane. It would seem though that Alyssa isn’t a Jade fan either.

            “I saved her and now we just hang.” I went with the story that I had been telling everyone, the one that we agreed on when I first started hanging out with Jade. That she was going to be rapped and I saved her from that faith.

            “She’s not a very… normal girl.” Alyssa said a frown on that pretty face. She took a pause before saying normal as if she was looking for the right word to describe what Jade was. Saying that she wasn’t normal was an understatement, but from day she entered the Fun House I have found her interesting. With that said what do I really know about her?

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