28) Fun House

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Fun House

Five Hours Earlier


    The main entrance explored inwards and I took that time to get out of The Man's line of sight and ducked into one of the rooms along the hall. I peeked out of the room to see no less than thirty S.W.A.T guys all with guns storming my Fun House. Bring up the back was Ross, his partner, and the two annoying FBI agents that had been coming for me. I closed the door and swore. Then I remembered what I had waiting for them and smiled.

            I moved silently through the room leaving out another door. I kept to the shadows of the hall as I made my way to the control room. I locked the door behind myself and went over to the monitors looking at the police make their way through my Fun House cleaning one room at a time. They all broke off into teams and spread out in my place of peace. I felt violated having these scum looking and touching my things.

            I would worry about the police later right now I need to kill The Man. No one fucks me over and lives to tell the tale. I rolled my chair over to a safe, opening it up and getting the gun that I keep in there out. Guns weren’t really my thing but I needed something to protect myself and Raven was just to far away. I screwed the silencer in place and then looked through the feeds the same way that Jake had showed me. I was looking for The Man so that I could corner him and then end him.

            I spotted him ducking into one of the Kill Rooms to avoid a team of oncoming officers. After glance at the screen it showed me where Ross was. I tapped my fingers over the screen and smiled.

            “Wait for me.” I spoke to no one and yet my comment was aimed at Ross. I needed him to wait for me. I was coming, but before my fun with him I needed to take care of another pest. It was a damn shame the Fun house was becoming over run with pests these days. I slipped out of the room tucking the gun I had behind my back and going about to find The Man.

            The scum police had over run the place and I was tip toeing around my own Fun House, but I wasn't going to rush out blindly and give them what they wanted. Give them me. If Ross wanted me then he was going to have to find me. He was going to have to work pretty damn hard to get me.

            I made it to the Kill Room that I saw The Man go into but there was no one in there by time I made it. I frowned my face up. Any other time I would be happy and willing to play hide and seek with him but for right now there was to much on the line to play these games. I looked around some pulling out the gun as I rounded a corner.

            I moved and less than a second later my hatchet came and buried itself in the wall where my head was just at. I turned around and saw The Man rushing towards me. I took aim at him and pulled the trigger. My bullet passed through his knee making him crumble to the floor. He grabbed hold of his knee his hand became covered in his blood as he howl in rage and pain. I walked over to him looking down on him as I pointed my gun at him.

            “You wouldn't dare.” He hissed at me and I rolled my eyes.

            “I just shot you, you fucking idiot. I would put a bullet through your heart faster than you could cry out for help.” I said and he licked his licks nervously.

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