8) Hunter or Hunted

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Hunter or Hunted


          I pulled up in front of Jake’s house and frowned when I saw a car that I didn’t know outside of it. It was no one who ever visit them before. It wasn’t a teacher’s car. I parked and walked around it, checking it out. I memorized the license plate and then walked to the door. I didn’t bother knocking on the door or anything I just used my key and let myself in.

        “Skylar,” Mrs. Landon said when I came in.

         “Who else is here,” I asked as she walked over to me and gave me a hugged. Mrs. Landon has been like an aunt to me. She was there for me when my mom died. She was a shoulder to cry on. Mrs. Landon was someone understanding and helpful. Her own mother died because of cancer so when she said she knew my pain, I knew that she felt the pain I felt.

          “Some cops wanted to talk to Jake. They are in living room you can go in if you like.” I wondered if they were the same cops that spoke to me at school or was Jake in some trouble that I had nothing to do with. I walked in and my question was quickly answered when I saw Ross and Witmon standing in front of Jake as he sat on the sofa. He was the image of chill, laid back on the sofa, a soda in one hand, a smile on his face. I’m sure he was finding this all very amusing. When I walked in the room all eyes turned to me.

          “Sky,” Jake called and I saw Ross write down something in his note pad. “You guys already know my best pal Sky.” Jake grabbed me and pulled me over to where he was sitting.

         “Skylar,” Witmon said. “I never thought we would see you here.”

         “Sky is like a brother to me. Of course he’s going to come over,” Jake said and I was looking at the notepad that Ross was writing in. I wanted to know what was being said. I wanted to see what was being written.

         “Skylar, where did you go after putting Jason out of the car,” Witmon asked. I took a quick look at Jake. Two people who both needed alibies. Both were guilty of something. Of course I would give Jason an out. I already knew he was setting one up for me.

        “I came here after that. I told Jason all about it. We had ourselves a good laugh,” I said not bothering to play my role anymore. If I was going to be seeing these two around more then I might as well show them how cocky I really was. I’m smarter than them. A hunter should always be smarter than their prey.

         “Any more questions,” Jake asked and Ross tucked his notepad into pocket.

          “None at the moment,” Witmon said. He ran a hand through his graying hair and then held it out to be shook. Jake jumped up and shook the old man hand. Ross on the other hand was looking at me. I could see the light bulb come on as he held his hand out to me. I allowed a small smile to creep across my face as I went to shake his hand. I tripped over my own feet falling into detective Ross. With the slight of my hand I had his notepad.

          “You ok,” Ross asked and I quickly tucked away his notes so that he couldn’t see them.

        “Yeah sorry about that,” I said looking down at my feet as if I couldn’t stand the embarrassment I just had to endure. The two of them said they final farewells before they showed themselves to the door. “Come on Jade is meeting us at the Fun House,” I whispered to Jake so that I couldn’t be over heard.

         “What was that all about,” he asked, following me to the door and out to my car. Once we were inside I showed him the notepad that I had lifted off of Ross.

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