21) Sweet Sorrow

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Sweet Sorrow

  Jake, Jade, and I went down to her kill room to help her clean up the bodies of the girls. Jake walked over to the cow and stood over top of her. He kneeled down and I didn't comment on how his hand “accidentally” touched her breast. I shook my head at how big of a pervert he was. I looked over at the dog and saw that Jade was pulling her by the arms dragging her towards the door.

            “Stop.” I ordered her.

            “What's wrong?” Jake asked me as I looked down on the dog. I kneeled beside her the knees of my pants quickly soaking with blood. I looked at the mask my hand shook my heart race all of my fears were swelling up inside of me. I licked my lips and reached for the mask.

            “Sky please.” Jade said and I just looked at her.

            “Shut up!” I hissed and looked down at the dog again. I peeled the mask off of the girl and looked down at the dog. My mind was working a hundred miles an hour. It didn't make since to me. I looked down on a girl with red hair and green eyes. Yes she was pretty; yes I knew her. Her name was Lynn she sat behind me in class. Why did she call me? What reason did she have to say Sky? I turned looking up at the window that was the control room and frowned. I could see it. The reflection of the sky outside could be seen from the small window that was near the ceiling in this room. She wasn't calling to me she was begging for freedom. “Unmask them all.” I said and Jade backed away tripping on her feet. “Run and I will kill you.” I told her as I walked over to the pig and Jake ripped the mask off of the cow.

            Jake looked down on the cow and I glanced over at her. She was a blond with gray eyes that went by the name Alice. She was one of Alyssa friends always in same group as, her always following her around blindly. I let out a growl just now remembering that Lynn was one of Alyssa friends as well. I looked down at the pig pulling her mask off roughly. It wasn't Alyssa. Her name was Jackie with her brown hair and brown eyes she was Alyssa's sister. Jake started to walk over to the horse and my head snapped towards it.

            “Don't touch her!” I yelled and stood up. “Grab her.” I said and Jake walked over to Jade.

            “Sky please.” Jade begged. “Please don't.” She said and I dropped to my knees in front of the horse. With shaky hand I reached out and touched the hole in her chest, her blood staining my pale skin. I sat down and pulled her onto my lap. Slowly, gently I peeled away the mask. I felt sick when I saw Alyssa lifeless eyes looking up at me. It wasn't a word that came out more like a wounded animal sound that escaped from

behind my lips. I pressed my face in her neck and rocked with her in my arms as I weep.

            Alyssa, my Alyssa was gone. She was taken from me. Jade took her from me. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I was numb. I never wanted anyone in this world but since I was a child I have wanted her. I loved her since the first day I saw her brown curls bounce pass me on the playground. I looked into those eyes again and brushed hair from her forehead. I kissed her forehead, stroked her face, sobbed into her neck, held her, rocked her, and traced her lips with my fingers. It was only a few weeks ago those lips were pressed to mine. Only a few weeks ago we were in the control room making out. Now she was a part of the game. She had lost the game. Alyssa. My sweet Alyssa had lost the game.

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