23) Eaten Alive

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Eaten Alive

      Nothing like a new game to clear the air, to free my mind and get me back on track. All of this Alyssa and Jade bullshit had gone on long enough. My mind had been a whirlwind but now it was back to what I knew, back to what I do best. The three that I had taken weeks ago where ready at last for their game. I placed the three of them into a kill room and went to the control room so that I could watch.

            They wear all still passed out so I waited patiently for them to come to. When they begin to awaken I gave a smile as they each looked at the other two. It was afamily reunion when you awaken and find big brother and mommy dearest in the same room as you. In the same fucked up position that you are in. When it was your own mother playing against you.

            “What's going on?!” The mother yelled and the oldest son ran for the door and pulled, pushed and beat his fists against it. The same freaked out reaction that I get each time.

            “Welcome to the Fun House.” I spoke and they each looked up and looked around to see where my voice was coming from. “As you all know it has been weeks since your last meal. You all are very close to death and so I offer you a feast.” I said and another light came on in the room. There was a man laying on the floor as fat as a pig. “Jeff there is a man of many vices he has is rotten to the very core. I mean that quit literally he's been decomposing in this room for weeks now. Taste that tainted meat in the state you are in will ensure death.”

            “Why are you doing this?” The younger one yelled. “What did we do to you? Why are you treating us this way?”

            “I am doing this for you Egan , to open your eyes to where you stand in your family."  My eyes went to their mother.  “Mrs. Caley you had twins and yet you have chosen one over the other. You push your younger son away. You keep him down and yet.” My eyes turned to the other son. “You praise Zeva even when he has done nothing to deserve it.”

            “You’re sick. You little fuck. You freak.” Zeva yelled at me.

            “Watch them Egan. See how far reaching your brother's love is.”

            “What are we supposed to do, stand in here and die of hunger?” Egan yelled.

            “No. You're supposed to fight to live. You're supposed to eat.” I answered.

            “You already said it was tainted.” Zeva hissed at me looking over at Jeff.

            “I have given you other things as well.” I said and they waited for me to shine more light and show more bodies, but that didn't happen. Mrs. Caley gasped and stumbled away from her sons as she noticed what I meant.”

            “Would you eat your own mother, your brother, your son just to live, or in the name of love would you all starve to death?  I'm very interested in your choice. You have study your chart on where the most meat is found on the body and I have given you all a hunter's knife. Kill or be killed the choice is up to you.” I asked before sitting back and watching. This game couldn't be timed. It couldn't be rushed along like the others. This game was to learn if a mother could eat her sons, if sons could eat their mother, if a brother could turn and eat his own brother. They were looking at each other. Already they had stood apart from each other. Hunger is a powerful thing. I'm sure normally none of them would even think about eating a person let alone each other and yet I knew that was the only thought in their mind.

Death Becomes UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora