January 23rd, 2016

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Ok, so this chapter is all about butt-dialling. As in, Sophie butt-dialled Daniel when she was midway through a conversation with her sister, Charlotte. You should be able to follow it because the format differs, i.e. anything italics between "" is Sophie talking to Charlotte. Italics between<<>> is Charlotte talking to Sophie. Normal print between "" is Sophie talking to Daniel. Bold is Daniel, as always. (Don't worry, like I said, you can follow easily as you read because my explanation was crap!) Enjoy! Sarah xx


"-pick him up and then I can drive him over to yours if that's what you want. I mean, it's not that far, is it? About a thirty minute drive. It's not like Lucas can-"

"Sophie? Hello?"

"-and even if he could, we both know he's a terrible driver. Do you remember that time he drove into the phone box at the end of the street? The car was a complete mess. Have you spoken to Mum about it?"

<<Yeah, but she wasn't giving me a straight answer. You know what it's like.>>

"Sophie, I think you've dialled me unintentionally. Hello?"

<<Anyway, enough about Luc and his doctors appointment. A little bird told me that you're talking to a guy. Details, please.>>

"By 'bird,' I presume you mean Hugo told you. Not that there's anything to tell."

<<Oh, please. I know you, Sophie, and I know that face you're pulling. There's more to it than you're willing to admit. Speak, or I take the wine off you.>>

"That's blackmail, Charlotte."

<<I'm well aware, Sophie-kins. I also don't care. Tell me about this guy. Is he hot? Is he funny? Is he good in bed?>>

"Oh, God. I do not want to hear this! Sophie!"



"There is really nothing to tell you about him."

<<Not even a name?>>

"If I give you his name, will that shut you up?"

<<Momentarily, yes. But then I'll start asking you a million questions after a minute.>>

"In that case, I'm not telling you anything."


<<You know, if you loved me, you'd tell me.>>

"Who the hell told you that I love you?"

<<I'm your sister, Soph. It's your job to love me.>>

"No, it isn't."

<<You're just pissed that I can read you like a book and that this chapter is all about mystery man.>>

"There's nothing going on between Daniel and-"

<<Ah ha! His name is Daniel. Do tell me more.>>

"Charlotte, please, can we not."

<<Fine. But if there's more to you and this Daniel than you're willing to tell me, may I be the first to say, 'Whoop, whoop!' After everything you went through with->>

"Finish that sentence and I will never talk to you again. Ever. And if you're right and you think you can read me like a book, what does this chapter tell you?"

<<It tells me to not mention Him.>>

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to check in with- SHIT!"

<<What? What is it?>>

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"



"Uh... hi?"

"How long have you been on the phone for?"


"How much did you hear?"


"Oh, God. Um, forget everything you heard, ok?"

"Uh, ok?"

"Daniel! Don't make this awkward. And I'm still annoyed with you from last night."

"If I promise to not mention overhearing any part of your conversation, will you forget that you're annoyed with me?"



"Fine, yes."

"Ok. Good. So, do you want to talk?"




&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя