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Ok, so there's a reason I'm deliberately keeping Danphie's phone conversations from you. And there's a reason you're having chapters too. Basically, this is my week off work! Yay! So... I'm dedicating this week to chapters AND CHAPTERS ONLY for 'Hello.' 

Yes, all this week, we'll be having chapters for this story. Yesterday we had Evelyn, today is Jenna, tomorrow will be from Samuel's POV (and I'll be introducing Daniel's parents!) Then Tuesday's chapter will be Daniel's POV. And from there... who know's. Sophie's probably.


Sarah, xx


"Why am I here again?" I ask, watching Danny as he makes a mess of his bedroom. There's a case open on the bed and clothes strew around it, but as of yet, there's nothing neatly folded inside. Picking up one of the shirts that was in the ever growing pile, I hold it up against my body and frown. "Are you seriously taking this?"

Danny momentarily stops raiding his sock draw and turns to look at the offending article. He nods. "Yes. Why, what's wrong with it?"

What's right with it? I ask myself. It's bright blue and had a floral design on it. My grandfather, I'm sure, had worn something similar when he went to Hawaii in the eighties. It wasn't a good look then and it isn't a good look now. In fact, it will never be a good look.

With a shake of my head I throw the shirt back towards the closet, hoping that it never sees the light of day again. I make a mental note to break into Danny's house while he's away and burn the shirt. In the meantime, I need to help him pack for his trip to New York.

"Hey, Jen, what about this?" I turn around to see my friend holding up a khaki shirt that- if possible- makes his his green eyes look rather dull. I shake my head, reaching out my hand and taking that shirt away from him too. For someone that always looks so well put together, Danny's wardrobe certainly contains some fashion horrors. Perhaps once Sophie moves in, she can sort it out for him. "You're supposed to be helping me, Jenna, not disagreeing with all my picks."

"Well, if all your picks weren't so shitty," I give him a pointed look. "I might be more inclined to agree with what you're choosing. How is it possible that you have worst taste in clothes than Elias? That man dresses like a twelve year old."

 Crap. I shouldn't have mentioned Elias. Ever since our dinner last weekend, I've tried to avoid talking about it with Danny at all costs. Elias said that he wouldn't mention it either, but he's so indiscreet that he's probably told the entire world an their grandmother about it. I, however, hadn't told anyone about the date. Not that I consider it a date. 

Well, technically, it was a date but at the same time, it wasn't. It was simply two friends going out for dinner, while discussing their daughter and how much of a let down the man had been. See, it wasn't really a date at all.

Yeah, but how many dinners between two friends ends with a walk on the Embankment, a bit of snogging and then some serious sex dreams for the next week? 

Even thinking about the dreams that have been plaguing me all week has me blushing, and from the amused grin Danny's wearing, he's noticed how flustered I am. The way he drops all the clothes on the floor and comes to stand before me, watching me carefully, has me unnerved. I know he's going to question me about Elias. Very rarely do I utter his name unless it's nestled between two choice words, so casually name-dropping him into a conversation is suspect, to say the least. 

"Did you just say the 'E' word?" Danny questions me, the humour in his voice more than apparent. I try to roll my eyes, make a joke of it all and brush it off, but Danny Whitaker knows me far too well and my act fails miserably. "You know, he's been very secretive about your date. I mean, I know where you went, I know what you both ate and I know that you went for a walk after, but that's all Elias is willing to tell me. So, Jenna, is there anything you want to confess to?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now