June 10th 2016

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Hello, my loves. Here's tonight's update for you! Skyping tomorrow.

Sarah, xx


"Hello, lover."

"Hello, fiancée."

"Yeah, about that..."

"You haven't changed your mind have you?"

"No! I was just going to ask whether or not you've told anyone about us being engaged."

"Oh. Well... no, I haven't. I'm sorry but that's been the last thing on my mind. But if you want, I'll start telling the whole world."

"I figured you hadn't. Look, don't tell anyone. At least, not for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"Maybe until I get back to London."

"Until October? You want me to lie to everyone until October?"

"Not lie. Omit."

"Whichever way you spin it, you're still asking me to keep it from the people that we love. Soph, I want to shout it from the rooftops."

"So do I. Now is not the time for that, though. You're going through a rough time and..."

"Are you regretting getting engaged?"


"It's ok to have doubts, you know."

"Except I'm not. I want to marry you and there's nothing you could do to change my mind about that. It's you that freaks out at every turn. As soon as things get good, you bail. Why is that?"

"Because... I'm not sure."

"Not sure? Not sure about why you freak out, or not sure about us?"

"The former."

"Oh, man, I started to panic there for a moment."

"I'm not changing my mind about marrying you, either. But going back to your question, I think I freak out because I'm scared that you're going to leave me."

"Have I given you any cause to think that I'm going to leave you?"


"Then why would you think that?"

"Because I'm a self-sabotaging prick that think he doesn't deserve a sarcastic, bi-lingual fireball like you."

"Hm, yeah, there's that, I guess."

"Hey! You're supposed to say, 'No, Daniel, you're not a self-sabotaging prick and you totally deserve a sarcastic, bilingual fireball like me.'"

"Am I?"


"Oh. Too bad for you, then. I have zero intention of ever saying those words to you."

"Pretty sure that's part of your role as my fiancée."

"Where in the Fiancée Manual does it say that?"

"Page three."

"Huh. Didn't read past the first page. It got boring."

"Glad to see that you're taking it all so seriously."

"I know, right?!"

"So, how is New York?"

"Still standing. Connie text me earlier to tell me that you're back."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now