May 1st 2016

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Thanks to sghaziaa for pointing out to me that I didn't add any translations to what Sophie's mother was saying in French in the Rocky update from yesterday! Basically, Camille Clément is the fifth board member for the Courtenay Foundation (as explained in this update!) And she wasn't a huge fan of Daniel. In fact, she called him a dickhead. So, yeah. Really sorry that I forgot to add the English translations! 

Now, let's get to tonight's unedited update! Sarah xx


"Is everything ok?"

"Yes. Shouldn't it be?"

"Well, it's getting late and you didn't all so I was, you know..."


"No, not worried. Just, you know..."


"Wondering if things were ok. That's all."

"Everything's fine. I've been with my grandmother today and I was late leaving. I literally got through the door about thirty minutes ago and had a quick shower, which I was half way through when you called."

"You better not be naked."

"I'm not. I have a towel strategically wrapped around my hips."

"Good. I find it weird when people are talking on the phone and they're naked."


"Never mind. I'm just being weird, that's all."

"Haha, ok. Well, I learnt a lot today."


"Well, not a lot, but enough."


"This stuff you and my grandmother have been plotting. So, it turns out that my grandmother is the head of the Board of Trustees, Samuel and I are there as interested parties, Phillip is taking on all the legalities, and then e have your mother. Sophie, why is you mother on teh Board of Trustee?"

"Oh, didn't Connie tell you?"

"No. She told me to ask you. So, here I am. Asking you."

"Connie wanted someone in the fashion industry to be on the board because we're dealing with a lot of vintage, one of a kind fashion pieces. I suggested my mother, and Connie agreed."

"Right, but what I don't get is this- why couldn't you be the industry insider?"

"I bet Connie didn't tell you that bit either, huh?"

"Again, she told me to ask you."

"Ok, so here's the thing. Your grandmother named me as her replacement on the Board."

"She's replacing herself already?"

"No. It's for when... she's no longer able to be a trustee."

"When she dies, you mean?"

"I was trying to find a nice way of saying that, but, yes. When that happens, I'll inherit her seat on the Board."

"You know there's a full Board meeting scheduled for next week, right?"

"I heard."

"Your mother will be there."

"I suppose she will be, yeah."

"She called me a dickhead last night."

"I know."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now