May 24th 2016

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Unedited! May 24th, 18:52

Sarah xx


"What is it? What's happened? Are you ok?"


"Are. You. Ok?"

"Yes, are you?"

"I'm not the one calling this early in the evening."

"Oh... no, everything is fine. I just wanted to call you."

"Oh, thank God. I thought that something was wrong."

"No, nothing's wrong. I'm still at work. You're on speaker phone, by the way, and Evelyn is here, too."

"Are you sure nothing's up?"

"Everything is fine."

"You're up to something."

"I'm not!"


"It's just safer like this."

"Safer? What have you taken?"

"I haven't taken anything."

"You sure?"

"What's with the suspicion today?"

"You're acting weird and you think I'm going to ignore it. I'm not. So, why is it safer like this?"

"Because, with Evelyn around, our conversation can't spiral out of control like it did last night."

"What was wrong with last night's conversation?"  

"Apart from the obvious?"

"You mean your non-existent performance issues?"

<<Your what?>>

"-Evelyn, shh.- Sophie, stop."

"Stop what? I didn't do nothing."

"You know that's a double negative. If you didn't do nothing, then you did something. Stop doing that something."


<<What performance issues?>>

"-Evelyn, please do not ask. You're like a second mother to me and I'd rather not discuss this matter with you, of all people.-"

<<Aren't you forgetting one thing?>>


<<I'm the one who gave you the birds and the bees talk.>>

"Haha, this is brilliant. I bet you're regretting calling me so early now, aren't you, Danny Boy?"

"You bet I am. -Evelyn, you can leave now.-"

<<But I want to stay.>>

"-Tough. Leave.-"

<<Fine, I shall. Sophie, darling? Don't take any shit from him. Call me if there's any problems, sweetheart.>>

"-Will do, Evie. Thanks!-"

"Is this what you two do, get together and gang up on me?"


<<What she said. Good luck, Daniel. Sophie? Speak soon, darling.>>

"-Will do. Bye, Evie.- So, what's up with you today?"

"Not funny!"

"Haha, but it is. It is really funny!"

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"It's touch and go."

"You won't be saying that next week."

"Won't I?"

"You better not be saying that next week."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"Good boy, you'relearning."



"I'm hanging up now."


"Because we're unsupervised."


"Haven't we been through this already? I'd rather not have a repeat of last night. That's why Evelyn was here, to keep us-"

"Keep you, you mean."

"Fine, to keep me... um, what's the word?"


"That's it. I'm hanging up!"

"What? It's a scientific term!"

"Good bye, Sophie."

"Wait, wait, wait!"


"Love you, bye."

"Love you, bye."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now