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"No! She's an ALIEN! She was NOT born on this planet! She said it herself!" Two male voices exchange anger and frustration in the muffled background as Queen Zadye sits calmy, in restraints on a bed in a small room. The blinding scarf tied around her face seems redundant as she sits in the room with no windows or lights.

"But the tests prove that she IS human. In fact her DNA is... it's pure. I've never seen anything like it." The other male voice softens and twinges with admiration at the specimen of a woman they have found.

"What's that mean?"

"I mean, her DNA doesn't show any of the common markers that Earth humans have from centuries of mutations and radiation. Her cellular structure is 100% human and healthy in every measurable way. It's amazing." The geneticist and the soldier both begin to pace as the Queen of Orkytch smiles and waits patiently in the other room. After a few moments the silence is broken by a whimper.

"Why did LeCrash bring her to us? Why here? Why not take her to the DOD?"

"He's looking for something that the can use. And he doesn't trust the government anymore. There are too many people with conflicting commitments." The scientist chuckles and continues. "He probably knows no one will believe us if we say anything anyways so he's safe."

"Yeah right..." The soldier replies. "He probably wants her DNA to create some super beast for his squadron." Both men laugh at the joke, but the Queen doesn't. She stands and effortlessly breaks through her metal restraints with just anbextension of her wrists and a bowing of her arms and removes the blindfold from her eyes. The two men hear the rumbling and draw their attention to the door just as the wooden frame shatters and explodes out toward them.

"My blood will NOT be kept without my say so!" Zadye's voice grumbles as the pink gem on her crown begins to glow and the geneticist screeches out a high pitched squeal as he falls to the floor in front of the soldier. The soldier thinks to pull weapon but it's too late, Zadye forces her body horizontally across the room before he can un-holster his pistol. One forcefull downward chop to his clavicle with the side of her left hand is enough to break the bone in two and force him out of consciousness. She then turns her attention to the younger man lying on the floor. He can barely inhale and exhale as he pushes himself backwards along the floor. Zadye's flowing crème white gown sways left and right with each step in his direction. She reaches down and grabs him by his lab coat. Lifting the man into the air with her left hand and pointing at his nose with her right she sits him on a table."You will tell me where I can find this LeCrash man or I will cause you more pain than you ever imagined possible." The young man can only nod his head as he trembles at the mighty power of the Queen. Allowing herself to be taken was part of the plan all along.

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