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"See we see the type of stuff yall folks pay to go to the zoo to see every day." Beau said in his thick creole accent as he mashed the throttle to his speed boat. The boat ripped through the warm water of the Bayou in New Orleans.

It was an atrociously hot day, uncomfortable, muggy and suffocating for people not used to the summer weather there. For Beau and his brother Jake though, it was high time for hunting. They were crocodile and snake hunters who both lived from and sold the skins of their prey. They were some of the best in New Orleans and let them tell it, were actually the pinnacle. On today's expedition they were after snakes, and today a particularly huge one.

"Jake just told me the other day he got home, seen a snake's tail had to stretch a mile long somewhere in these here parts up ahead" Beau continued talking to the man he'd hired for the day to help with their haul. "I tell you what, bet you see something amazing today, be damned if we don't bring it back home with us. That's why we brought you and got the big boat out here today." Beau finished as they continued to speed ahead to the area of the lake his brother told him he'd seen the tail.

"Stop stop stop stop you see that?!" Jake said hitting his brother's shoulder to get his attention in excitement.

"What! What is it I don't see it" Beau said back to him excited. Beau and the hired help looked on hard to spot what had riled Jake up so.

"Right there you idiot, right in front of your face. Look up towards the shore on the right....wooooo weeeee that's a biggun" Jake said. His accent was more pronounced the more excited he got.

"Well quit yellin so loud then for you scare it off you idiot!" Beau said aggressively but lowering his tone so he wasn't yelling himself. "OHHHHHHH I see it... I see it now...GOOD LORD YOU WEREN'T LYING BOY! We may not have to work for months once we turn this one here in." Beau finished now seeing what his brother had seen and being excited.

Beau pointed up ahead for the hired helper to see where they were looking and then hit Jake to get his attention to lay out the plan for catching it.

"Alright, you stay in the boat and me and Jake will go up ahead and get in position behind it to catch its tail and Jake you be ready to catch its head once it comes out of the water. When we get it and get control I'll pass you the tail. Put it into the harness and start cranking and we'll catch this sucker." Beau said excited and grabbing his gloves and other apparel pertinent for the catch with Jake.

The helper nodded his head and prepared for his part in the plan as Beau and Jake got the boat close enough for them to get out on foot to walk up to the snake on land. They approached cautiously as the helper looked on rounding themselves about to be in position behind the massive tail of the animal. Once they were directly behind it, they looked at each other and gushed about how huge the snake was before slapping a quiet high five and getting in position. Jake walked up ahead closer to the water to prepare to grab the snake's head once they'd pulled it out of the water enough. Beau prepared himself behind the snake's tail as the helper brought the boat closer to their position silently lightly rowing the boat towards them with oars. Once everyone got into proper positon Beau nodded towards Jake and slowly reached to grab the snake's massive tail. Beau grabbed the tail and slowly pulled. The snake wasn't budging at all. So Beau took a different position to try again, surprisingly the snake didn't move an inch from his initial try to grab it. Beau looked up at Jake again to ensure he was still ready and Jake nodded to him to indicate he was. Beau grabbed the tail again astonished at how heavy the snake was even by the tip of his tail. This time he yanked harder, and the snake responded this time moving briskly as Jake waited with his body in position to jump on the head as soon as it showed itself. Beau was bucked a bit when the snake moved but determined and took a better hold on the snake to pull again. Thankfully for him the gloves were equipped with a non-slip material that allowed him to get a better grip. His muscles were bulging being tasked with pulling the monstrosity out of the water but finally the snake started to budge. The water by where Jake was sloshed violently as Beau pulled more and more of the snake up the shoreline and out of the water. Jake prepared to pounce and with Beau getting at least 2 more feet of the snake off the shore decided to wade into the water a bit to have a better vantage point to grab the snake where he thought he saw it's head.

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