Dinner Date

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"But its fine because I had already told Leo he was having issues with some of the decisions I was making." Alexander Mason says as he cuts into the medium rare peppercorn crusted porterhouse placed on the table in front him. "And to be honest, even if I didn't it wouldn't matter because I'm the Director. I have the final say so." He adds smugly before shoving a large cut of steak in his.

Dielle methodically maneuvers around the broccoli in her pasta. She takes a dainty bite of the lightly sauced penne pasta as she smiles at Alex.

"If you don't like broccoli why didn't you just get it without the broccoli." He asks with another bite of steak.

"Because I don't like being difficult." She answers.

"It's not being difficult though. It's getting what you want." Alex retorts.

Dielle takes another bite. "So you always get what you want?" she asks cynically.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I do." Alex says assuredly. "I got you didn't you?" he adds with a wink.

After a short pause Dielle asks, "What about your wife and mother?"

Alex nearly chokes on the piece of tender beef in his mouth. He coughs a bit as he forces it down his throat. He grabs the quarter-filled glass of cabernet sauvignon and downs it all. He slowly looks up at the beautiful creature with a hint of anger for the first since they've met. A long awkward pause persists as he looks at her and remembers his wife and how at one time it would be her on the other side of the table while he enjoyed her company and a perfectly grilled premium cut of steak.

"Well...uh, I guess I get everything I want that's in my control." Alex slowly responds.

"You do know that nothing is really in your control, right, Alex?" Dielle asks almost with excitement in her voice. "The will of God trumps all. Even you."

"So it's God I should blame for their deaths?" He asks as he tries to add instead of the The Scientist at the end of the sentence.

"You could look at it like that or...you could look at how blessed you are for not being there and the fact that they are in a better place now." Dielle says as she attempts to proselytize Alex.

Alex snickers a bit as he redirects his attention to the remainder of his steak. "Is that what you think?" He cuts into his steak.

Dielle takes a sip of her strawberry-lemonade and replies, "That's what I know. God's will is always for the better even if we can't see how. That's also what prayer helps with." Alex stuffs a piece of meat in his mouth and looks up at Dielle without saying anything. She can tell he is chewing the tender meat longer than he has to. "What?"

"Nothing. I'm just waiting for you to finish." He says.

"Finish with what?" she asks confusingly.

"As much as I love a good philosophical debate about Christian dogma and its circular reasoning about things, right now I want to enjoy this dinner and this time with you." Alex answers dismissively.

"I'm just trying to save you, Alex. I know you have a goodness about you and God has a plan for you. I just don't want you to destroy yourself or your son because of a lack of faith." She pleads.

"What?" he asks. "You think God is going to punish me and my son because–."

"No. No, nothing like that." She interrupts. "I just know things about you, Alex, and if you had more faith in God and his plans for you then you could be sure no more hardship will happen to you and your family. You'll be under his protection." She explains.

"Dielle, look –." Alex begins but the entire table begins to vibrate as Dielle's phone buzzes from an incoming text. He snatches it up and looks at the message. It reads:

Were you successful in opening his eyes to light of God?

Dielle quickly texts back.

No, not yet father. I need more time.

A reply is quickly received.

I'm sorry, my child, the good Lord commands that this city be cleansed and the time is nigh. We must proceed.

Dielle frantically responds.

But father, his son is innocent. I just don't want anything to happen to him. Can we spare him and leave him out of this. I don't care about his brother just his son.

The phone vibrates immediately as she receives her answer.

Hosea 13:16 - Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. Proceed as plan.

Dielle looks up from her phone with a ghostly look. Alex can immediately tell that something is wrong.

"Dielle, are you okay? What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing, uh, I'm fine. I'll worry about it later." She says.

"Are you sure? Anything I can help with?" He ask.

"No, Alex. Unfortunately not." She says solemnly. "But don't worry about it. I'm fine."

Alex isn't convinced but decides not to press it. "Well, before I forget, I wanted to know if you could sit with Marcus sometime before Christmas Eve just in case I have some last minute Christmas shopping. I would ask Bryan but he will be with Nando at his parents' house."

Dielle reluctantly replies, "Sure, Alex. That won't be a problem."

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