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"Shots fired requesting back up at 413 rose lane warehouse district. Suspect possibly armed and dangerous" comes over the radio of officer Ruiz in New Orleans.

"Confirmed on the way out" he responds calmly looking over at his partner Miranda "Just couldn't get a peaceful night huh?" Smirking at her as she shook her head and checked her gun holsters.

"You heard the lady mount up" Miranda says as Ruiz steps on the gas roaring into the night towards the scene.

The blue and red lights illuminate the dark road as the pellets of rain slap into the windshield.

"Proceed with extreme caution, we've heard screams from the scene in the midst of transmission of message. I don't know what's going on over there but be careful and stay on the coms" the dispatcher said stress filled over the radio as officers Ruiz and Miranda came closer to the scene.

"Not a problem, Angie, you know this isn't our first rodeo. Let you know what's going on soon" Ruiz responded as they pulled into the parking lot of the warehouse.

There was only one light on in the area and it seemed to be dimming. As the officers exited the car they left the lights on to help illuminate the path to where they were going. They walked towards the buildings; a group of warehouses in a row sectioned off by hangar doors. With their guns drawn in one hand and a flashlight in the other they proceeded with caution down the corridor leading to the warehouse hangar doors. They carefully covered each other as they approached each door being able to see clearly only for short glimpses when the blue and red light illuminated with the flashlights. With that happening and the rain now hitting them in their eyes to further obscure vision they cleared three of the warehouse doors before arriving at the fourth. They slowed here as this was the first door they approached that was actually open. Ruiz took lead and waved Miranda on the other side of the door.

"NOPD, we're here to help. Just come out with your hands up and let's sort this out." Ruiz yelled into the seeming abyss with no light. Their flashlights beamed though the open door as they cautiously marked their steps walking forward. As they took a few steps in Officer Miranda got ready to speak before hearing a slight gurgling noise and what sounded like stepping on shards of glass. As their minds raced to interpret what they'd heard a harsh thump of something hitting the cement floor echoed in the room. She focused her gun and light in direction of the sound and cried out

"Come out now, we can sort this out. DONT MAKE US SHOOT YOU! JUST COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" She yelled sternly but riddled with nerves.

The piercing darkness haunted them, they continued to scour the room for any sign of anything. They took a few more steps forward and lightning flashed through a small window toward the top of the warehouse ceiling. The thunder ripped through the atmosphere seemingly shaking the officers to the bone behind it. As Ruiz took his next carefully placed step his foot slipped on something as he caught himself with the hand he'd been holding the flashlight in. His hand fell in the substance and he wiped them clean on his pants. It was somewhat sticky but for fear and caution he didn't have time to look now. A noise burst through the dark in a corner of the warehouse as they trained their guns and lights toward it. Paint cans riddled the floor in that area and there were racks of other things above where it's been spilled on the floor. Just then part of a beam from the flashlights hit something on the floor. An officer's silver shield reflected the light to Ruiz and Miranda's concern.

"OFFICER DOWN, OFFICER DOWN REQUESTING IMMEDIATE BACKUP!" Both offices wailed over their coms as Miranda knelt to feel for a pulse. No such hope as she tried to keep one eye trained into the darkness and the other on the light's subject.

The body looked contorted. The diaphragm looked deflated completely, it was caved to the point it looked smaller than the hips of the officer. The legs were strewn in an awkward fashion across one another and the eyes were bugged out of the head. The officer looked to have died in complete horror.

This wasn't helping Ruiz and Miranda as another bolt of lightning cracked through the night. As the thunder rolled another noise came from directly in front of them. They trained the lights toward it and saw a long streak of blood from where they were standing to the wall of the warehouse they were in front of. The streak turned before the wall and continued to the right of where the lights had been following. As they followed it with their guns drawn they heard heavy breathing. They started to back away with the guns drawn but then saw two burnt orange eyes staring directly at them in the night. The eyes were about waist level to the officers as they prepared to turn the lights toward the gaze.

"I believe you all were looking for me." An extremely deep voice with a Russian accent grumbled from the area in front of them. As they turned their lights toward the eyes the eyes started to rise. They went above their heads and continued to go upward into the air. The officers weren't sure what they were witnessing. The flashlight's beams fell on the figure and somewhere over 8 feet tall stood a menace of epic proportions. A huge and massive form with the likeness of a man yet looking reptilian stood before them in all its hulking glory. Ruiz slipped backward over the blood on the floor before firing his gun and missing. Miranda stood before the beast as it reached out to grab her. Her gun dropped to the ground with the flashlight which fell to the left of the massive body of whatever this was.

"The name is Boa. I was enjoying dinner but since you ruined the ambience" the creature spoke in Russian accent again sarcastically before grabbing Miranda with his arms. Ruiz could only watch in horror as his flashlight was on the beast now but he had no clue how to respond. The blood was smearing farther across the floor as Ruiz continued to slip trying to get away. He grabbed his gun now that the flashlight was trained on mammoth and fired rounds at it with seemingly no effect.

"CANT I EAT IN PEACE!!!!" Boa bellowed as he picked Miranda up at least 6 feet in the air and put his arms around her. In seconds bones were cracking and the yelling she'd been doing before that moment ceased. Her lifeless body dropped to the floor with her face badly disheveled and Ruiz watching in horror.

Another crack of lightning lit up the night sky and Ruiz stood amazed at the massive figure on full display seemingly by Mother Nature. Nothing on "Boa" was small or normal. He had arms and legs like a man but with scales of a snake. His torso was covered with a badly torn white t shirt which showed some of the leather like skin of his body through it. His head was the most horrifying as it looked like a snake not a human head and the eyes were a crucially strange orange. Just then as Ruiz took in as much as he could in the lightning flash Boa moved quickly but Ruiz couldn't tell to what in the darkness. He shuffled and knocked things around on the floor fumbling for his flashlight as he heard a strange sound like suctioning cups in front of him. Once he could get a handle on the light he watched in horror as the feet of one of the fallen officers were hanging on the outside of the beasts' mouth.

Ruiz had no clue what to do besides grabbing his gun and flashlight and hauling tail out of the warehouse as fast as he could towards safety. He tore out of the warehouse slipping in blood and noticing more disheveled and strangled looking bodies strewn throughout the floor on his way out of the building. Ruiz turned and looked behind him once more as the lightning cracked again highlighting Boa seemingly finishing his meal. The human body was firmly impressing an imprint into his scales with the imprint of the body outlined within his stomach. Ruiz hurried as he lost lunch out of the door too horrified to try to understand what he'd just seen.

"But wait... I'm still hungry!" Boa's horrifying deep voice grumbled as he took steps toward the almost spiritless Ruiz jumping the hood of his car and speeding off into the night. Boa stood a mammoth in his rearview in the rain stretching as if he needed a toothpick.

"To each their own" Boa said sarcastically making his way back toward the warehouse as the night ushered him back to his den.

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