Annihilation Day

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Almost an hour later the large truck slows to a stop at the entrance of the deserted village.

"This is what I have seen." Sevahi's strong and confident voice erupts over the speakers as Jax applies the parking brake and the three heroes exit the vehicle. They take a quick glance at the rundown ghost town. They all are thinking the same thing; that the town looks like the cliched set of a classic western film. Black Scorpion halfway expects John Wayne himself to step of the nearby saloon. The sun is high in the sky as the three heroes begin to look left and right while methodically advancing from building to building. A fluttering sound crescendos from above. Black Scorpion is the first to spot where it's coming from. Soon, a small form clumsily descends from the heavens like an impacting comet. He looks up at the group of men as the sun reflects off of his high-tech goggles. As the boy finds his balance and stands up straight in his slim black armor accented with cobalt blue everyone stares at him in awe. Everyone but Black Scorpion.

"What are you doing here?" Black Scorpion angrily asks as he pushes past everyone to face the person that's clearly a young boy.

"I, uh...I wanted to help" Black Flame already knew that he would have to beg for his father's permission to stay. "I flew by earlier to get some recon. the Troll is on the west edge of town."

"TROLL?!" Jax exclaims. "What do you mean Troll?" before anyone can answer him Brawn plops down on the ground next to Black Flame. He's immediately joined by his brother Velocity.

"I win!" Brawn jokes and tilts his head to tease his brother.

"I gave you a 20 minute head start." Velocity squints his eyes and shrugs his shoulders in reply. Joule also floats in from above and lands between Mystic and Brawn. She's visibly happy to see Mystic. She smiles and he returns the smile and nods at her.

"Wait.... Who are all of these people?And  why did this little dude just say Troll in a sentence with a straight face?" LumberJax says as he positions his body to walk back to his truck annoyed. Mystic quickly steps up to introduce everyone.

"This is the Vegas City Crew. Brawn and Velocity are strong and fast respectively, and Joule is our spark plug." Mystic stands proudly in front of the three other teens. "We've been protecting Vegas City since the Imenus incident.

"And this one is calling himself Black Flame." Black Scorpion breaks into the conversation. "But he's not staying. He's going back to Las Pacificas."

"Why not?!" Black Flame quickly responds.
"Because..." Black Scorpion pauses as he carefully crafts his words as to not giveaway both of their identities. "Because you are too young."

Black Flame looks up at Brawn." You mean like them...or her?" He points to Joule.

"He's right, y'know." Mystic says. "She started when she was thirteen. That's not too much older than what he is now."

Black Scorpion grits his teeth as he remembers that Mystic can read minds and probably already knows that Black Flame is his son, Marucs.

Just then a high pitched voice breaks up the fuss. "We waited for the highest sun, so now maybe we can have some fun!"

"Who's the girl with the nursery rhymes?" Jax says sarcastically but half serious as he doesn't see the source for the voice.

The whole group turns in the direction of the Troll who is skipping along the wooden banister of a nearby building.

"What....what in the....who in the..." Jax loosens the grip he'd had on Timber his ax and let's it drop to the ground as he abruptly throws his hands up in disgust and irritation at what he sees. As Jax continues toward his  truck he looks into the camera in his body armor perturbed with Sevahi and DL at the Yard before yelling "I KNOW you two didn't send me all the way out here to fight some horned Pee Wee Herman!" Jax can't even take another full step before the Troll appears floating right in front of his face.

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