"Don't Test Me"

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"You seem to misunderstand the situation so let me help make it clear to you." LumberJax said stepping out of his mammoth-sized truck, Big Easy, and approaching where a group of gang members were beating a younger kid.

"Leave that kid alone, or leave your life unowned... Your choice." he continued as he stood in-between the headlights of his truck casting a horrifyingly large shadow over the street corner.

He was in one of the roughest parts of New Orleans, notorious for drug trafficking and violence. Both of these were things LumberJax was attacking head on in the streets. A group of five members were standing around the kid. One of them had a gun to kid's head as the others beat him. After hearing LumberJax's warning and seeing him step out of the truck and his custom blue lights cascade over them most of the gang members stood horrified but unable to show it outwardly for their pride's sake. LumberJax had purposely turned the lights off and rode into the street with Big Easy on stealth mode. They had no indication he was around until now. One of the thugs had to man up for all of their sake.

"What you think we scared of you big man? You best mind yo business for you get caught up, homie." The gangster with the gun said while pointing the gun at LumberJax.

LumberJax smirked as he stopped walking about five feet from the men.

"Unowned it is." LumberJax said as he charged forward directly for the member with the gun. Shocked, the gangster stumbled but got off a shot that hit LumberJax's ballistic vest before basically evaporating into the dicarbonite steel vest. At the sight of his failure three of the other gangsters turned to run.

Jax pounced on the shooter punching him in the face once with his dicarbonite infused gloves breaking his jaw instantly with shock force shaking his spinal cord a loose. The shooter fell without getting a sound out under the crushing blow. The other gangster standing with the shooter was next up as Jax turned to him smiling as if watching cartoons. He tried to run but LumberJax grabbed him by his shirt and snatched him back to him. LumberJax picked him up easily and launched the man into two of the men who'd been running, knocking them on the ground.  For the runner that Jax missed  he used a rock on the ground to drill in the back of the head dropping him to the ground as well.

"Why didn't you listen? Now your boy is over here with his face and neck broke up...trying to be a G out in these streets and for what?" LumberJax said walking over to the other 4 men now laying on the ground in front of him. It was like the segment "when keeping it real goes wrong" on The Chappelle Show. They were internally in shambles hoping they weren't about to have something broken, or worse, end up dead.

Jax took Timber, his 6 foot long dicarbonite steel ax, from it's holster and stood before them as the light from his truck blinded the men and they shielded their eyes. Pointing it at them shaking it in their direction as he talked he continued

"You don't even know why you're here. You don't have a clue what you do this for and how stupid it makes you look. You don't do this for respect and it's not how you gain it. Respect is best earned through admiration not fear. You do this because you're poor. You don't have the same advantages as others in life so you bought into the lie it's ok to take it from others in the same position you are instead of help each other out of the same situation. Do you want somebody to do that to you? You want somebody stealing your stuff when you don't really have money to afford it anyway? You want someone selling your family drugs? Shooting your brother or your sister for wearing the wrong color? Tell me. Help make my decision tonight." LumberJax said as he pointed the ax in their direction almost as if playing duck duck goose.

None of the men responded so LumberJax walked over to the one he'd crumbled just seconds before and snatched his limp body from the ground. He picked up the man's gun in the other hand and walked back over towards the men who were scooting back away from him now. LumberJax dropped their comrade's body in front of them before continuing.

"You've got two choices, you can take your friend here to the hospital, try and get him help and never return to this lifestyle again. Or you can end up mashed up just like him or worse. Tell your little boss or whoever it is you run for I'm coming for him too if I ever smell his stench in this city again." LumberJax said flipping the gun seemingly about to aim it at the men and then putting it in a holster on his belt buckle.

"Think I'm joking if you want. If I find any of you all out here again I'm not stopping at spine cracking. You'll die, I don't need to wait on someone else's judgement concerning you if you won't use your own to save yourself." He said staring a hole through them all one by one.

"Five seconds to make your move and I'd advise you remember what I said." LumberJax said as he leaned on Timber awaiting their response.

The gangsters scrambled quickly yet cautiously toward their spine cracked running mate directly in front of LumberJax. They grabbed his arms to drag him to them and jetted off down the street and towards their cars carrying their friend as carefully as they could with haste.

LumberJax returned towards Big Easy putting Timber back in its holster before stepping up into the truck yelling behind them, "Smart choice. Don't test me!" As the monstrous engine revved and he peeled off into the night towards The Yard.

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