We're Friends

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  • Dedicated to All voters and commentators!!

"Kath," I said, calling her. It's lunch time, so Jesse is probably in the canteen now. Oh and Jesse was a junior, not like us.

"Hey, how are you? Been busy, huh." She said with that smile of hers.

"Yeah, my parent's home. Anyway, I want to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever is it."

"You should stay away from Brooke."

"Brooke...Kelly? You knew her? That's nice. She's actually kinda cool and--" I cut her off.

"No Kath, stay away from her. You don't know her."

"I pretty much know something about her. After all, we hang-out this weekend."

That explains why Brooke wasn't home.

"Hey Kath," It's the devil. Her clothes were different.

"Hey," Kath answer.

"Hey there fiance." 

Okay, she didn't just told that, did she?

I looked over at Kath who has this shock face on.

Brooke then hugs me side way." Don't touch me." I said angrily.

"Don't be mean. So you two know each other? That's actually nice."

"Oh yeah. We're friends." Kath said.

Friends. Oh yeah.

What was that feeling?

"Cool! Let's have lunch together then." Brooke said then I just followed the two robotically.

Why can't she keep her mouth shut?

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