In denial?

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"Umm..guys you said that we should enjoy. And shouldn't be thinking our problems. So, we're all just friends here. No more. And since Brooke was already here, why won't you just let her stay? That's just an suggestion." Kath said, shyly.

"Good idea." Brooke said.

"Okay, that's actually great. But Jo," Jesse faced me." You have to share a room with one of them." Then she whispered to me,"You wouldn't want them in a room together, so you have to share with one of them." She winks.

"Okay, I'll be with Kath." I said. It's better with her than the demon.

Jesse raised her hand for high-five but I just rolled my eyes.

"Why can't Kath or Jo be with me in a room?" Brooke asked.

"Couz they were first. And you're not invited. So you need to sleep alone." Jesse said, sticking her tongue out at Brooke.

"Okay, whatever."

We settled in our room after that. I went to Jesse room.

"Isn't there's another room here?" I asked her.

"Yeah. But I planned on three rooms only. We don't want you alone in your sleep, right?" She said.

"Stop the teasing. We're just really friends."

"You keep denying so I wouldn't stop."

"I'm not denying. That's the true."

Is it really the truth, Jo?

"Even a numb heart can be broken, Jo. It maybe made of stone, but you can hammer it hardly and in the end, it leaves mark or scratch on it. If you wouldn't do something, then the hammer would stop. And leave a mark on you. If they don't stop, It'll maybe broke your numb heart and make it normal again."

Dedicated to that person couz she voted in this story so much!! :)) Thanks!!

Black Heart (GirlxGirl, lesbian)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ