Your heart wasn't that numb

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I smiled."She's different." I said.

"Exactly. So you should take care of her."

"But I couldn't."

"Why? Couz someone broke your heart before and you're scared?-Okay, Don't give me that look-I'm not witch or something, I just...It happened to me too. A girl broke my heart. She just stole it and crumple then throw it. Then I don't know how it fix it anymore."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"You're different, Jo. Your heart wasn't that numb. You still care for somebody. I can see it in your eyes. And you can love somebody again. I know I barely know the both of you, but you both cared for each other. She might/can change you."

"She already did."

"Then why are you two aren't together yet?"

"Well, I don't know. I don't even know if she likes me."

"I think she does. When she looks at you, it's different. And if you didn't notice, she keeps glancing at you when she thought no one's watching." She said.

"Well, the right time would come. I hope. So, you don't really like me, right?"

"No, of course not. I actually thought that I could find someone here. But I guess I would never find her or him."

"You will. What happens now?"

"I would come back home. But I'll try to convince my father to negotiate with your dad. It'll be the best way I can do for being a problem to you."

"Well, I actually enjoyed your company." I admitted.

"You sure you don't like me?" She teased.

"Hell no." We both laughed at that.

Black Heart (GirlxGirl, lesbian)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon