But I Did

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Her we are, the four of us. Jesse, who was beside me, Kath and Brooke across us.

"So...Kath, this is my cousin Jesse. Jesse, Kath." I said.

"Nice meeting you, Kath." Jesse said with that adorable smile on her face. Fuck.

"You too." Kath answered with a warm smile.

I just ate my food, ignoring them.

"Baby, Do you want me to walk you in your class later?" The bitch asked.

" No thanks. I prefer to be alone." I replied.

" Kath, how about you?" Did she just fucking asked that?

"No, I'll walk Kath." Jesse said.

"If you say so." Brooke said.

""Uhh..I can walk on my own?" Kath said, unsure.

"Kath, can I have a word with you?" I asked,"Alone."

She just nodded and we went out of the canteen.

"You seriously can't be friends with Brooke." I started.

"Why? It's not like were more than that. She's all yours." She said with a straight face.

"Okay, are you pissed because I didn't tell you?--Wait, let me finish-. Yeah, she's my 'fiance' but I didn't propose to her. My parents did. I barely know her and I don't like her. So I was telling you to stay away from her."

"Is it like arrange marriage?"

"Yeah. Probably. But I'm making plans for us not to be married." I don't know why I said that, but I did. But it's not like I needed to explain right? Whatever.

"Oh, okay. But she isn't that bad. She's actually nice to me."

"I don't know what she's doing. But be careful. You, or even me, don't know who she really is."

Black Heart (GirlxGirl, lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now