Soups and Stews

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i really recommend to go check out CreepyCarbs on reddit because his/her stories are really good 

It's Saturday morning.

Mickey Mouse's arms contorted to form 1:37AM on my wristwatch.

Johnathan is late by 37 minutes. Either he's got more guts than we thought, or something awful had happened inside that house.

The three of us aren't allowed to be out this early, but it's my fault that we are. Even though Andy was the one who dared Johnathan to go inside, I'm the one who Triple-Dog-Dared him. "No way!" he protested. "At least not by myself!"

"It's a Triple-Dog-Dare, Johnathan. You have to go in now. Ten minutes at the least!" I told him.

Well, it's been far past ten minutes.

The house itself didn't look very scary. It was painted a dull yellow and was surrounded by overgrown weeds and bushes. The rumor behind the house is what frightens all the neighborhood kids.

Supposedly, a crazy man tried to kill his wife and daughter in this house. All the kids at school say that he wanted to chop them up and make a stew. Yuck. Fortunately, both the wife and daughter escaped.

But that incident happened years ago- that is if it even happened at all. No one is quite sure.

What we are sure of is that a van comes by every month or so to this house. I even saw it with my own eyes. Two men would get out of the front seat, dressed in white jumpsuits, and bring a few boxes into the house. A few minutes later, they'd be gone and down the road again.

Andy and I sat on the curb across the street and looked at the house. We did not speak. We both knew something was terribly wrong.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Johnathan never came back out.

"Andy," I whispered, "it's almost 4AM. We need to go back home before our parents find out we aren't in bed."

"But John-"

"Shh, I know. I think he's playing a trick on us. Maybe he snuck out the back door and went home." I guessed.

Andy looked down at his feet, contemplating the possibility. Johnathan did like to play jokes a lot.

"Okay," Andy replied, "I'll meet you back here at 10AM. That should be plenty of time."

Mickey's arms read 10:02AM.

Andy is late, but that's okay. He lives further down the road than I do.

As I began to sit back down on the curb, I heard the sound of a van approaching.

I stood up and watched it park in the house's driveway. Two men emerged from the van, clad in white jumpsuits.

"Hey!" I yelled, running across the street.

The two men looked back at me, boxes in arms.

"Excuse me," I panted, "I think my friend is in this house."

The men looked at each other and laughed.

"Mr. Geoffrey is your friend?" one man asked.

"Wh-what?" I replied, "Mister who?"

"Mr. Geoffrey?" the man repeated, adjusting his grip on the box he held. "The man who has been under house arrest here for 3 years?"

I began to feel nauseous.

"We're here to deliver him supplies."

"This box is full of canned food like soups and stews."

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