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Her name was Elizabeth, and she loved asylums. Ever since age 3 she was downright OBSESSED with them. Just the thought of being in an asylum with countless crazies roaming around her, screaming, laughing and crying made her ecstatic. For years she had been begging her parents to arrange for her to stay a night at the local madhouse, St Kay's Wellness Center, but no matter what she said nor what she did got them to budge. The answer was clearly no. Now, Elizabeth had just turned 18 and she saw this as an opportunity to finally get what she wanted. As a legal adult, she could just call the center and request an empty room for the night, but it would be pretty difficult since she wasn't allowed to use the phone. She sighed and decided to go find her dad. Couldn't hurt to ask one more time.

"Hey daddy! Can I use the phone?" Elizabeth said as she pressed her face to the bars and smiled, a wide, wide smile.

The man looked slightly annoyed. "I'm not your dad, Kenzi. How many times I gotta tell you that?"

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed. "My name. Is not. KENZI!" She snarled, bits of spittle flying out of her mouth and hitting the guard.

Matt brushed his shirt off and stood up. He didn't even bother with an answer. She had been coming up to him with the same question several times a day for 14 years ever since she turned 18.

He walked out of the room.

story by ; TheMaro

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