12. Desire

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Chainsmokers ft Daya - Dont Let Me Down
[Acoustic Cover]


This chapter contains steamy material.
This public chapter is not the smutt you want. Its poetic love.. imaginitive. For rating purposes for wattpad.
If you want to read the original version, the one with erotica in it..you need to FOLLOW my profile THEN find my other book under my works titled, Freak Nasty..
Once you add this book to your profile, you can go find the chapter in the index but dont go to it immediately.

Wait until you see my authors note mid-story saying to go ahead and flip there. That is where the chapter picks up!

Remember to come back to this chapter.. in the original book to VOTE and Comment and read the A/N at the bottom!
Msg me if you're confused!



The moon was the only light now.. Sun had gone and the stars were left twinkling above. Like diamonds.

A full moon...

Its hard for a wolf to control themselves on a full moon.

It was like I've crashed and hit a wall.

My teeth were out, elongated and ready to sink into Zaryn's skin as I watched him with my wolf's eyes. His teeth were out. Sitting beside me, he watched my every move, calculating.

As I sniffed the air, smelling Grace's scent, my wolf surged. She let out a growl, jumping on top of Zaryn as he lay still, calm. My teeth scraped against the soft flesh at his neck, pressing into his skin as my wolf let out soft low growls, warning Zaryn not to move.

It was as if I was watching from a looking glass, my mate and my wolf having an intense moment. Zaryn's teeth were still out but his wolf was still inside. He hasn't lost control like I.. I was the one being affected by the moon and my wolf's desire to take what's ours.

I need a miracle right now.

Zaryn took a deep breath, his alpha instincts taking a back seat as his mate desired to claim what was hers.. It's as if he wants it.

I needed him.

My wolf pressed her teeth into him a little more and he let out a soft moan, ready for what I was about to do. For what my wolf was about to do.

The wind picked up and I smelled something... Something in the trees that smelled familiar but at the same time it was hidden... A masked scent. My wolf became nervous and pulled back inside, throwing me out to the surface and my eyes changed back to their bright green human eyes...

I gasped with the surge of my wolf being drawn back in and lifted my head in a panic, hoping I didn't do much damage and actually knick the skin.

That wouldn't be a full bond but it would be a slight one.. A string of a bond compared to a thick band of one..

Zaryn moved his head down to look up at me, heart thrumming in his chest. Our eyes met, mine with panic and his own blue ones filled with slight disappointment.

"Nova.." He whispered. I moved away quickly, noting his skin was as if nothing had touched it. Righting myself up, I kept my focus straight forward, looking out onto the pack lands and the water of the lake.

Shatter  ✔ #TheWattys2017Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt