23. Intoxicated Lust

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This chapter contains a sensual scene. Near the bottom part of this chapter, you will see my authors note mid paragraph in bold telling you that you can either continue on reading the more mild version,
Or you can go to the private chapters book i created in my works list titled "Freak Nasty" to read the rest of the chapter in a more vivid and descriptive version.

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race's new nickname, Disgrace, provided by @KarissaSamaroo



Pitch black. No sounds but the crickets outside..

Thats how Eden found me, sitting on my bed, the agony of the events that had gone so terribly wrong for me had finaly subsided for now as a numbness took over my entire being.

The fresh marks on my neck had already started to heal, still angry and red, only three hours old.

I dont understand why he would do that to me. To mark me when he's so obsessed with his future growing inside of Grace. I understood his wolf was paternal, wanting him to feel his pup move. I get that. But he comforted her in a way that left me heart broken..

Then he turned on me.

I was angry when he did. Lashing out at him with my wolf... attacking him. But i didn't understand until he sunk his teeth in my neck and I felt his wolf's mind... he had wanted to protect his pup but comfort me.. to soothe me into a calm state. Then he marked me.

And thats when chaos erupted.

I sighed heavily, rocking back and forth as i thought about what would happen next.

I can't talk to him.. im too angry.

Grace is still around so it would be turmoil on me.

Id be the one who suffers.

I got up, feeling that emptiness inside me as i padded toward the window, opening the curtains and throwing up the window, feeling the cool air flow inside my room, goosing the skin on my arms.

The moon had finally peaked over my window, past the trees that swayed in the cool night air as the breeze made them dance, leaves fluttering down, dancing as they fell. Fall was close.

The moonlight lit up my room in a soft luminescent glow, a beautiful sight. As i stared up at the moon, i prayed that she would heal me.. give me a stronger will.. make all of this go away.. right all the wrongs. Anything so that i could stop hurting and come out of this unscathed.

A knock on my bedroom door sounded, low and faint.

I could smell that it was Eden.. I almost didn't want her to be here... but she is my best friend..

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