53. Strong

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Chapter Soundtrack:
David Guetta & Sia - Titanium

Thank you RosieToovey for the song choice! I enjoyed anna kendricks version best but this ch needed to be upbeat a little!



So this is probably my first non-action non-plot twist chapter in a while lol. This is just a chap to show you whats going on in Nova's world with Conrad. The action will come dont worry. Next chap. Hang tight. Next chap is Zaryn's pov.


Two weeks later
(since the "Unsteady" chapter)

The sky was ultra blue today.. that blue where there's no clouds in sight.. sun shining bright. Autumn was here now.. the trees nearly barren, their roots littered with multicoloured dried leaves.

The breeze blew past me.. cool weather now, but comfortable. Not cold.. just right.  Perfect day for training my new warrior wolf..

Although calling her a warrior was a little premature.. she was still training.

I kept my promise to her.. everyday i made sure her muscles burned so hard that she couldn't possibly find the urge to cry or feel emotional.

Crying is a sign of weakness.

She isn't weak. Shes strong. Like titanium.  She's been shot down so many times and shes still wanting to fight.  That's strong in my book.

My eyes couldn't help but to watch her as she forced herself to run.. in human form.. through the obstacle course i made for her the day we began training. Her body was beginning to show the efforts of the strenuous efforts i put her through..

Her legs were building muscles that had only been used to walking or sprinting in short bursts..calves hardened.. strong thighs. her arms, more defined as the muscles increased. Toned. Not bulky. Her workout shirt would roll upward every now and then revealing toned flat muscles there as well..

She was eye catching..

But we still had a long way to go.

She was climbing up a rope without knots to hold her up.. just learning how to hold the rope between her soles and use her arms to pull herself to the top.. sweat trickled down her forehead as she concentrated hard..

I was proud of her. I dont know what came over me two weeks ago when i brought her here.. the way she cried, wallowing in her own misery.. that wasnt the female i had heard so much about. I expected a beastly she wolf when i arrived. Not a curvy soft delicate thing. But her strength lies inside of her.. not on the outside. 

When she came here her mind was a broken mess. Her soul fractured from the traumatic emotional stress she had endured.. Something snapped inside me when she plummeted to the ground, crying, punching the cement so hard her knuckles were skinned and soaked in blood..

It reminded me of how i felt when i lost Cilla. How Cilla felt when she thought she had no hope with me..


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