52. Down We Go

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Kaleo - Way Down We Go

Picked by me!
Thank you YouTube suggestion vids.


Say hola to my longest chapter yet.
You need to sit down for this.

Also.. i changed the part in my story in the last chapter and took put the part about the gene.. so tell me if you like it better this way or the old way. I think this way.. its more focused on the original plot. :)



Leaving my my cabin in a hustle, I stepped out into the bright sunlight. The sky so blue, a deep bright blue.. not a cloud in sight.

I had a mission to take care of today..

My boots hit heavy along the dirt road, my features set in a hard line. Last night had been a heart breaking event for me. For all of us.

Zaryn killing Deacon..

Im glad i went to talk to him.. i learned the truth that Blake and Penelope would have probably taken to their grave if Zaryn hadnt of killed Deacon. Deacon was sick.. in the head.

When i left Zaryn.. i was planning on running straight to Blake and Penelope, call them out.

They dont deserve the title of Luna and Alpha.

But the moon.. she had shown me something.. she had shown me that Zaryn's life was hanging by a thread.

So i ran back to his cabin. And im glad i did. I found him... in the bathtub. His wrist slit. Bleeding out. He had cut himself with silver.

A cut that wouldnt heal.

But he struggled.. reaching.. grasping for anything mumbling about being there for Nova and their pup. He wanted to live in that last moment.

Suicide is a tricky thing. Your mind tells you its over.. that you have nothing to live for. But once you go through with it, your fight or flight kicks in. Some people let it go, let their souls fly away. And some fight to keep it.. realising the mistake that they made but its too late. They have already done the deed. Those wolves won't go meet the moon. That's the sad part. The wont go anywhere.. the moon doesnt want wolves souls who didnt respect the gift the moon had given them... life.

After finding him, i knew what i had to do to stop the bleeding after calling Doc. He was on his way in the emergency truck. I took a regular metal knife, cutting off the edge of skin that he initially slit with silver, the skin had fried itself. Carterized. Once i cut the skin kissed with silver off, his wound began to heal but the blood loss was too much. He had already lost consciousness..

Doc got there just in time.. we were able to get him to the clinic before the flutter of his pulse died out..

Doc began hooking him up to machines.. pumping blood back into him. Blake and Penelope were called by Jackie, the nurse.  Nic, Jack and Dahlia came as well.. the waiting room full of tears as they waited impatiently for the news. Sorrow in the air.. a mourning settling in from the death of one wolf who lie in the morgue..

I didnt think it was a good time to start a war last night with so much sadness.. so much loss having happened that night... so i let it go.. Waited around for the news and finally when 3am came around, Doc came out and let us all know Zaryn was back.. alive.. unconscious still, but he would pull through..

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