35. Bitch Fight (literally)

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Dont miss the hilarious authors note at the end! Hahahaha






Those are the only words I could use to describe this sesspool of the place we called a cellar. I had never even been down here before.. never had a reason to be. I wasn't even sure where it was...

It took a lot of threatening to get one of the males to show me and even then I had to threaten him to take me to the front door.. and to keep quiet.

The cellars were naturally in the basement of the packhouse. But it was so deep inside the ground.. so far that the heat didn't touch it. It was like its own cavern... as if there was a cave beneath the packhouse before it was ever built so they took some silver laced wrought iron bars and put a door on it amd built on top of it..

The entrance?

Right in front of my eyes the entire time.

In the basement, where we have had countless safe house meetings, there was a wall. A hidden wall that could pop out from the rest and be slid back to reveal a cell like door.. the key was hard to retrieve..

Alpha Blake kept it on him. I was able to make up a reason to bump into him and slip it from his pocket easily. A natural pick pocket. It was kind of scary that these things i would never have done before were now things that didn't matter to me.. things that were simple for me to plan out.

Leaving the male wolf at the basement, tail between his legs from fear of getting caught, i slipped the skeleton key in the hole and turned, hearing the mechanism of the lock rotate and open. Glancing around, i noticed old fashioned torches lining the wall.. you'd think they would have some flashlights but apparently not.

Noticing a set of matches, i crept inside, took the matches and struck it to the side of the box, a flame instantly appearing along with the smell of sulfur whicj burned my nose. Scrunching my nose up in distaste, i held the match to the torch, feeling very old fashioned in the moment as the wick began to burn, licking shadows away as the fire consumed, burning bright.

Glancing back at the dimly lit entrance from the hidden wall, I tool a deep breath and grabbed the torch, picking it up out of its holder as i proceeded down the damn dark natural made stairs of the mouth of the cave..

Now, guiding myself down into this cavern, i could see why there were no flashlights.

Flashlights don't work as good or burn as bright in these kind of caverns ... even the most powerful and most bright led flashlight wouldn't work as good with how much space I was walking into. Fire seemed to do the trick.. not too bright..

Creepeing down one foot at a time, i continued dowm the tunnel of winding natural made steps until I reached the bottom.. a large cavern.. dripping water echoing through the silent yet enormous room of the cave... and water..  i could see a pond of bright aqua colored water in the far end of the room... almost like the movie Beowulf with Angelina Jolie..

I was expecting a monster to pop out of it in any second..

But this water seemed to glow.. as if day light was just on the other side..

Shaking my mind out of its daze, i held the old fashioned torch up in the air as my senses caught a hint of fecal matter.. you could smell stale feces and urine coming through a draft to the left so that's where i let my legs carry me as I held my sleeve over my nose and mouth, walking deeper into the Giants mouth.

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