74. Scent

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Chapter time!

Theres a restricted portion of this chapter. Find the bold print that tells you to swap over to my other book if youd like to read it!

This is a filler chap.


As the sun beamed through my bedroom window, the refelction of the turquoise coloured curtains illuminating the walls in a hue similar to being underwater, i felt a certain peace settle inside me...

It was as if everything.. all the hurt.. all the chaos and constant heart ache was a distant memory with Zaryn..

He had made things significantly better last night.

But im no fool. I know that pain was there once upon a time and i will still make him prove to me that he can be my everything.  I know he is a good wolf and its not me just being a bitch as to why i wont just jump in this matebond with him head first..

Its my reluctance on getting hurt again.

Despite knowing he is a good wolf, when you are hurt the way i was hurt... it sticks with you. You are always thinking you arent good enough and i no longer think that way anymore...

But for my sanity's sake.. and my heart..

I need the time..

Stretching my arms and legs, i felt a smile creep on my face as the smell of bacon wafted upstairs, arousing my senses..


Happily groaning, my hand sunk under the down duvet.. relishing in its warmth. I always did love my room really cold and my bed super warm. Part of me wanted to just lie here and be happy..

Maybe i should train...

"Sh!t !" I popped up out of bed, my eyes snapping wide open as my hand dropped to my stomach.. peering down with shock before worry crept back inside me and i remembered:

Im pregnant.

Worse timing.. i havent even been back with my mate very long and he knocks me up.

Sighing, i realise i cant prolong this any longer.. my mom will know eventually once my scent changes. My whole family will, as they are accustomed to my scent. Only Zaryn could have told me if i were pregnant off the bat because he is my mate and an Alpha.

Throwing the covers off my body, i wrapped my arms around myself, experiencing the chill from the cold room.. wearing tiny shorts and a flimsy tshirt to bed was not such a good idea anymore with the weather change being in constant disaray.. hot one day, cold the next.

Thank you human race for destroying our climate.

Walking to my ensuite, i quickly did my morning routine apart from showering.. i did that before bed last night.  I love showering in the mornings to invigorate myself.. but i also like night showers as well..

Who doesnt love feeling smooth and clean when they climb in fresh sheets?

Its a constant delimma.

Once my teeth were brushed, because yes i brush before and after breakfast.. im scared of my morning breath; i grabbed a silk knee length robe and tied it around me, throwing my hair up in a messy bun as i descended the stairs and inhaled the heavenly aroma of bacon sizzling close by.

I turned, expecting to see mom busying herself at the stove, but what I saw had my eyes bulging and my jaw dropping open.

"Good morning beautiful, how was your night." A deep melodious voice greeted me as I watched my very own mate ... slaving away over a hot stove in a black tshirt that exposed his muscles and dark jeans that gave me the perfect view of his ass.

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