Chapter 8

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That's the new girl that growls

I threw the lit match into the pile of logs and created myself a bonfire. I sat on a separate log and started warming my freezing hands to get my body temperature regulated. I huffed in frustration and annoyance.

I reached their camp sight, I'm on it, but it's still nowhere to be found. On my carefully constructed map, it says that Choke is right here.

It's been a whole day and I forgot to put the rest of the food in my duffel bag yesterday, leaving me with a packet of Pringles chips, gummy worms and my three bottles of water.

Stupid me...

Stupid stomach that won't shut up...

Stupid food...

Stupid choke...

I shouted in annoyance and kicked the huge boulder out of anger, only for it to move. I moved the humongous boulder and it revealed a ladder that leads to and underground tunnel.

It's underground.

I couldn't go down now. I'm starving and I practically feel like fainting when I stand up or even turn my head to look at the chirping birds.

"What are you chirping about birdie?", I asked the little bird,"want to hear my story?", I asked while petting the bird. It chirped even more saying that it did want to hear my story. I giggled at its excitement.

"So, before I met all the werewolves and stuff, including my mate. I was struck by lighting. Crazy right? So, I survived thanks to my brother who is currently under there-", I paused to point an accusing finger at the underground tunnel,"I kept having weird episodes where I could feel all the energy inside my brother and I's house until I controlled the episodes and stopped them.", I paused again to take a deep breath,"my brother told me from that day to never get too angry or I might do something I could regret and after that day, I met my mate and his dog family, surprisingly I miss him and here I am because my brother was kidnapped by my mates kind and I'm practically starving myself to death.", I said and the bird suddenly looked around the area I was in. She or he squeaked and flew upwards to the tree.

I heard something hit the ground and I looked for the item. I groaned as my head was spinning in crazy, creative patterns. Something then decided to hit my head. I looked down and saw more food?

"Who's there?", I shouted but immediately regretted my shout as my head decided to spin even more.

I shrugged my shoulders and ate the packet of crackers and felt much better than before.

I stood up from my previous position and muttered motivational sentences to myself while sliding down the ladder of the Unknown, underground tunnel.

I shrieked as I fell into a puddle of water and sucked it up. I stood up and grabbed my crossbow while walking through the first hole out of the four in the tunnel. My leather ankle boots didn't make much of a sound as it was stepping into a huge puddle of water that smelled very... Weird.

The water was starting to reach my waist and it was really slowing me down so I dived into the water in started swimming. Surprisingly, the water was very thick, leaving me to swim with closed eyes. It was to dark to identify what the water actually was so I just kept on swimming until I reached a door. I started feeling the door and groaned as I knew what it was made out of.


I did a mental happy dance as I had my silver sword as my belt and cut the door in half. I walked in but immediately regretted it as I was currently facing someone's back.

I grabbed my kanimas venom and put it at the tip of my arrow. I walked up to his dark figure and stabbed him in the heart with my bow. I turned on the light and saw that I was covered in red. My once white dress was read, my once tanned hands were now stained with red that was dripping of the edge of my fingers.

I just swam in blood dude. Fudging blood.

I emptied the contents of my stomach on the dead body and darkly chuckled. I drank my water to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth and succeeded.

Walking up the stairs, I had to remove my boots as they made too much sound when I ran. When I reached the place that held all the prisoners I took a good look at them, only to find out that they are all innocent.

"Psst.", I called out to the 16 or 17 year old looking girl. She turned around and looked at me in fear,"relax, I'm not going to hurt any one of you dogs.", I softly said. I turned around to make sure no one was looking and heard a growl coming from the girl cage. That cause me to turn around and give her a pointed look that made her shut up,"ever heard of someone called Nikolay come by here?", I asked like I was talking business.

"Why should I tell you?", she asked

"Because I'm about to free all of you and if you don't tell me your going to die.", I said and she looked at me with hopeful eyes while nodding.

"He's new here. He arrived only a few days ago. They said that if they didn't get the girl that they would kill him today. They've been torturing him for hours and they might kill him today.", she said looking upset.

My face immediately turned into an angered one. I was so pissed of tha-

My thinking was cut of by the breaking of every single lightbulb. I looked up and saw that every single lightbulb was not giving of any Pugh what so ever.

Was it me?

Is this some kind of sign to what happened when I was struck by lightning.

This time i didn't need to control it. I needed to let every single part of whatever I have out and show them to never mess with an Stravog.

Especially Emma Stravog's brother.

Her only family..

The only person who trusted her..

I'm coming Nikolay. Theses bastards will pay and unplayable debt.

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